How does this site work?
Our site works similar to a phone card. In other words, you purchase a block of "credits"
and trade them in to download files. You may purchase a block for as little as $2.95.
When you run low on credits you can easily add more to your account and continue downloading. You are
never forced to add credits and your credit card is never charged unless you choose to do so to add more credits.

Why is this system superior to other sites?
Simply put, you only
pay for what you download! That's the beauty of what we offer here.
You can browse all you want for free and if you see something
you would like to download you can instantly sign up for an account
and download it. If, after using up your remaining credits you decide
you don't want anything else you just don't purchase any more. With
no monthly subscription fee and no hidden charges, you're not locked into an automatic billing
cycle. There's no time pressure – take a break for a few weeks or even a few months, and when you come back you'll still have
all your credits and your card will not have been charged! Adding new credits is
painless and can be done at any time.

How easy is it to sign up and get credits?
It's incredibly easy!
Simply go to the Sign
Up Form and choose how large of a block of credits you would like.
From there your password will be instantly e-mailed to you and you
can begin downloading the files you want. If you run out of credits simply
click on the Get
Credits button and and instantly receive
How often is the site updated?
That's the best part – constantly! There's always an influx
of new material for your viewing pleasure. Our goal is provide the most comprehensive archive of movies,
so we strive to provide new content as soon as we get it as well
as making that content the highest quality we can find. Take our Tour
and see our Newest Scenes page to see for yourself!
Short and sweet – what's the bottom line?
Our site works
off a credit based system where you can browse completely free.
You only pay for what you want, no monthly recurring fees! Our massive collection of files
is constantly growing with fresh material.
This truly is the most superior way to download files on the web and
we hope you find it as simple and worthwhile as so many other users
already have!
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