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Hodejegerne (2011)
Synnøve Macody Lund
Synnøve Macody Lund standing naked in a shower, seen from behind with her bare butt in view as a guy approaches and she walks over to kiss him. From Hodejegerne (AKA Headhunters).
0:12 - 4.29 MB - 1280x528 px December 26th, 2011 @ 2:05 pm Synnove Macody Lund - Hodejegerne - 1.mp4
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Ghosted (2009)
Inga Busch
Inga Busch leaning down and kissing Huan-Ru Ke's body and then both lesbian kissing each other before Huan kisses down in between Inga's exposed breasts all during a lesbian sex scene. Hi-res DVD capture from Ghosted.
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Group Sex (2010)
Odette Annable
Odette Yustman straddling a guy on a couch as he helps her unbutton her dress and reveal her red bra. The guy then leans in to kiss her cleavage before she leans over to make out with him. From Group Sex.
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Pound of Flesh (2010)
Ashley Wren Collins
Ashley Wren Collins showing full nudity in some close-up views of her naked body as a guy touches her with the tip of a gun and then has sex with her on a bed, picking her up by her waist as she leans back. We then see full-frontal nudity from Ashley as she turns on her side afterward and then slides off the bed. From Pound of Flesh.
1:38 - 33.97 MB - 1280x720 px December 22nd, 2011 @ 10:15 am Ashley Wren Collins - Pound of Flesh - 1.mp4
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Amsterdam Heavy (2011)
Laura Rijnties
Laura Rijnties rising up in the front seat of a car after having gone down on a guy who is driving, her left breast free from her dress until she pulls the shoulder strap back on. From Amsterdam Heavy.
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Cherry (2010)
Laura Allen
Laura Allen of Terriers fame wearing a dress and having sex with a guy while riding him on a bed at night and moaning loudly waking up Britt Robertson in a different rooming and causing the guy she's having sex with to try and quiet her down all while Britt continues to listen. Hi-res DVD capture from Cherry.
Sexy 0:54 - 14.53 MB - 720x400 px December 29th, 2011 @ 2:10 pm BrittRobertson&LauraAllen@Cherry-2-CMA.mpgMore [+]
Verso (2009)
Isabelle Caillat
Isabelle Caillat naked on top of a guy as they have sex, showing her bare butt and then her breasts as she sits up while riding the guy. From Verso.
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Perfect Sense (2011)
Eva Green
Eva Green naked on her back, showing bare breasts as she makes out with a guy and then has sex with him. We also see her on top of the guy for a bit, showing her bare butt. From Perfect Sense.
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Tanner Hall (2009)
Brie Larson
Brie Larson topless and wet as she stands on a road in the rain in a guy's fantasy. We very briefly see her left nipple flash into view when she slides her hand up her breast. From Tanner Hall.
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Nestyda (2008)
Vica Kerekes
Czech actress Vica Kerekes lying on her back in bed with her large breasts exposed as a guy goes down on her under the sheets. She then rolls over on top of the guy, her breasts pressed against his chest. From Nestyda (AKA Shameless). Updated to higher quality.
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Arena (2011)
Katia Winter
Katia Winter showing complete nudity when she undresses down to just a pair of shoes in a guy's room. The guy then picks her up and puts her against a wall where he tries to make out with her before she stops him. She then knocks the guy out with an electrical charge and shows more of her breasts, buns, and bush while looking through the guy's effects. From Arena.
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The Slap (2011)
Melissa George
Melissa George showing some cleavage as she bends over to pick up a kid and then carries him to a chair where she sits down with him in his lap and pulls down her dress to reveal her left breast for him to breast-feed on. From The Slap.
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Big Nothing (2006)
Alice Eve
Alice Eve of Entourage and She's Out of My League fame having hard sex with a guy while riding him on a bed for a while and moaning before they stop and talk for a bit until he gets upset and sits up. Hi-res DVD capture from Big Nothing.
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Confessions of a Young American Housewife (1974)
Rebecca Brooke
Rebecca Brooke lying on her back with Arlana Blue on top of her in the 69 position as they go down on each other and then start rubbing each other while Jennifer Welles and Chris Jordan lesbian kiss and touch each other in the background until finally Arlana goes down on Rebecca while Chris licks Rebecca's nipples and sucks on them all as Jennifer touches herself in a longer and more explicit extended version from the main film. Hi-res DVD capture of a deleted scene from Confessions of a Young American Housewife.
2:41 - 43.10 MB - 624x480 px January 8th, 2012 @ 4:49 pm JenniferWelles,RebeccaBrooke,ChrisJordan&ArlanaBlue@ConfessionsofaYoungAmericanHousewife-Deleted-2-CMA.mpg
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The Skin I Live In (2011)
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya wearing a bodysuit as she lies on the floor while a guy in a tiger suit straddles her and tears Elena's suit open to expose her breasts. The guy then leans over to suck on them before picking up Elena and slinging her over his shoulder to carry her into a bedroom. We then see Elena naked on her back as the guy has hard sex with her, her breasts in view. Eventually another guy walks into the room and shoots the guy on top of Elena. He then walks over and picks up Elena, giving us a good look at her great ass. From The Skin I Live In.
1:57 - 40.58 MB - 1280x688 px December 12th, 2011 @ 10:16 am Elena Anaya - The Skin I Live In - 3.mp4
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One in the Gun (2010)
Kristina Coolish
Kristina Coolish giving us a look at her breasts as she has sex with a guy while riding him on the ground until another guy walks in on them and then Kristina jumps up naked and the guys start fighting as she tries to stop them. Hi-res DVD capture from One in the Gun.
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The Monk (2011)
Déborah François
Déborah François first seen fully nude as she walks toward a guy in a dream-like sequence, and then showing her bare breasts while on top of him as they have sex. From The Monk (AKA Le moine).
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Point&Shoot (2004)
Athena Currey
Athena Currey (left) and Jacqueline Novak (right) passionately making out while lesbian kissing at a party as a guy films them with a video camera. Hi-res DVD capture from Point&Shoot.
Sexy 0:08 - 2.20 MB - 640x480 px December 21st, 2011 @ 11:47 pm AthenaCurrey&JacquelineNovak@Point&Shoot-1-CMA.mpgMore [+]
The Attic (2007)
Alexandra Daddario
Alexandra Daddadrio stepping out of a bath tub and holding her large breasts with one arm, giving us a close-up view as she reaches for a towel. We then see her wrapped in that skimpy blue towel as she rushes to close a door. From The Attic.
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The Family Tree (2011)
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks standing in an elevator beside a guy, wearing a tight pink shirt that accentuates her large breasts and shows some pokey nipples when the guy has a fantasy about her. From The Family Tree.
Sexy 0:40 - 13.97 MB - 1280x544 px December 8th, 2011 @ 11:04 am Christina Hendricks - The Family Tree.mp4More [+]
Juan (2010)
Katija Dragojevic
Katija Dragojevic going topless as she makes out with a guy on a bed, wearing stockings and garters as we see her bare breasts. They are then interrupted by another woman walking into the room, and Katija gets off the bed to put her bra back on. From Juan.
Three Steps Above Heaven (2010)
Maria Valverde
María Valverde on her back having sex with a guy on top of her with her breasts pressed up against his chest all as they kiss. Hi-res DVD capture from Three Steps Above Heaven.
Sexy 1:23 - 22.21 MB - 720x304 px December 31st, 2011 @ 8:18 pm MariaValverde@ThreeStepsAboveHeaven-7-CMA.mpgMore [+]
LelleBelle (2010)
Anna Raadsveld
Anna Raadsveld sitting on the bend of a bed topless as a guy stands in front of her in his underwear. The guy then lays Anna back and kisses down between her breasts and pulls her panties off. He then goes down on Anna as she lies on her back fully nude. The guy then removes his underwear, puts on a condom and has explicit with Anna while on top of her. Hi-res DVD capture from LelleBelle.
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Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995)
Brenda Bakke
Brenda Bakke flashing her right breast quickly as she and a guy lie in bed on a moving train and she rolls toward him to take cover. From Under Siege 2: Dark Territory.
0:04 - 1.42 MB - 1280x720 px December 6th, 2011 @ 12:00 pm Brenda Bakke - Under Siege 2 Dark Territory.mp4
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Suburgatory (2011)
Carly Chaikin
Carly Chaikin and Courtney Merritt making out with each other while in Thanksgiving-themed outfits as they sit on the foot of a bed and lesbian kiss. From Suburgatory.
Sexy 0:11 - 3.90 MB - 1280x720 px April 12th, 2013 @ 1:06 pm Carly Chaikin & Courtney Merritt - Suburgatory - S02E19.mp4More [+]
L'année des méduses (1984)
Valérie Kaprisky
Valérie Kaprisky on a yacht as she removes her clothes to reveal her fully nude body and then turning some music on and spinning around wildly until she knocks a guy overboard and into the ocean where he struggles in the water being stung by jellyfish all as she runs fully nude around the boat watching and dancing some more. Hi-res DVD capture from L'année des méduses.
1:50 - 29.55 MB - 720x384 px December 28th, 2011 @ 3:06 pm ValerieKaprisky@LanneeDesMeduses-10-CMA.mpg
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Baarìa (2009)
Monica Bellucci
Monica Bellucci wearing a red dress with her breasts pulled out as a guy buries his face in her chest and squeezes her breasts while a group of kids watch through a window of a classroom nearby. Monica's left breast is visible. From Baarìa (AKA Sicilia! Sicilia!).
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American Horror Story (2011)
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga having a guy tear her nightie off to reveal her bare butt as she gets pushed onto a bed on her stomach. We then see more rear nudity from her as she gets on all fours and the guy has sex with her from behind. The guy puts his hands on her neck and she rises up, flashing her left breast with no nipple. She then climbs on top of him and again shows her butt while straddling him and putting her hands on his neck in return. From American Horror Story.
0:26 - 9.17 MB - 1280x720 px November 20th, 2015 @ 7:48 pm Lady Gaga - American Horror Story - S05E07.mp4
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Straw Dogs (2011)
Kate Bosworth
Kate Bosworth wearing a robe that a guy unties to reveal her bra and panties underneath. He then moves to a couch where he lies on top of her and pulls her panties off. We see her bare butt from the side as they have sex, Kate not quite sure if she wants to or not. We then see a quick flashback of an alternate view of her panties getting pulled off, and then a quick flashback of her bare butt as a different guy turns her over on the couch. From Straw Dogs.
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Spanish Judges (2000)
Valeria Golino
Valeria Golino removing her shirt to reveal her fully nude body and then pulling on some pants and finally putting on a shirt all while she talks with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Spanish Judges.
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