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Stolen Sex Tapes (2002)
Kelsey Heart
Kelsey Heart (credited as Kelsey) kissing a guy and removing her clothes to reveal her fully nude body as he kisses her large breasts and nipples and then going down on him for a bit before climbing on top and riding him hard giving us some explicit shots of his penis in the process until finally she has sex with him on her back and then from behind on her stomach all as she narrates during a jittery flashback sequence. Hi-res DVD capture from Stolen Sex Tapes.
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Skid Marks (2007)
Lauren Alvernaz
Lauren Alvernaz sitting on top of a guy while topless and in black panties giving us a look at her large breasts as another guy walks in on them and stares at them before she slaps the guy on the bed and admonishes him. Hi-res DVD capture from Skid Marks.
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Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009)
Christina Milian
Christina Milian straddling a guy on a couch in his office and kissing him before they are interrupted by his assistant. The guy then returns to the couch, where Christina unbuttons her shirt to show her bra before leaning over to kiss him again. From Ghosts of Girlfriends Past.
Sexy 1:00 - 20.84 MB - 1280x536 px October 8th, 2009 @ 11:28 am Christina Milian - Ghosts of Girlfriends Past - 2.mp4More [+]
The Last Days of Disco (1998)
Jaid Barrymore
Jaid Barrymore lying naked atop a guy on a couch as she makes out with him as a couple other guys bust open the door, interrupting them. We then see more of Jaid's breasts as she sits on the couch nude, holding a cigarette. Hi-res DVD capture from The Last Days of Disco.
The Seduction of Dr. Fugazzi (2009)
Jovanna Vitiello
Former Playboy model Jovanna Vitiello (under the name Jovanna Villette) giving us a look at her breasts as she kneels on a bed and lesbian kisses October Kingsley and licks her ears and grabs her breasts through her black top all while some other people have sex including singer Alicia Gatto whose is riding a guy while topless showing off her left breast and long nipple. Hi-res DVD capture from The Seduction of Dr. Fugazzi.
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Sex, Party & Lies (2009)
Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas making out with a guy against the door of a bathroom stall, pulling her dress down to reveal her nice breasts, which the guy sucks on hungrily. Then then move back against the wall, Ana putting her legs around the guy as they have sex up against the tiles. From Sex, Party & Lies (AKA Mentiras y gordas). Updated to higher quality.
1:47 - 134.47 MB - 1918x1038 px October 19th, 2022 @ 7:38 pm Ana de Armas - Sex, Party & Lies - 1.mp4
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Lie to Me (2009)
Kelli Williams
Kelli Williams of The Practice fame bending over and looking through the passenger window of a car as she shows her cleavage in a low cut dress while she touches her breasts and adjusts them to make them more prominent all while talking with a guy. From Lie to Me.
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The Hills Run Red (2009)
Janet Montgomery
Janet Montgomery showing both breasts during a topless sex scene with a guy, making out with him as he slides her bra off, and then having sex in a few different positions. Hi-res DVD capture from The Hills Run Red.
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M. Butterfly (1993)
Annabel Leventon
Annabel Leventon sitting fully nude on the edge of a bed as a guy walks in on her and talks with her as she takes her hair down and removes her earring. Hi-res DVD capture from M. Butterfly.
Fucking Åmål (1998)
Rebecka Liljeberg
Rebecka Liljeberg (right, credited as Rebecca Liljeberg) sitting in the back seat of a car and passionately lesbian kissing Alexandra Dahlström until they get interrupted by somebody opening the car door. Hi-res DVD capture from Fucking Åmål (AKA Show Me Love).
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Star Trek (2009)
Rachel Nichols
Rachel Nichols showing plenty of cleavage in a bra in this alternate, extended version of her scene where she is making out with a guy in bed before she they are interrupted by her roommate, Zoe Saldana. Zoe, of Avatar fame, then undresses down to bra and panties as well while Rachel remains in her underwear. This extended version from the Blu-ray Disc features more footage of Rachel, who is wearing green dye on her skin. From Star Trek.
Sexy 1:26 - 29.75 MB - 1280x534 px December 24th, 2009 @ 12:16 pm Rachel Nichols & Zoe Saldana - Star Trek - Alternate.mp4More [+]
The American Poop Movie (2006)
Elizabeth Wright Shapiro
Elizabeth Wright Shapiro (credited as Elizabeth Wright) in a blue skirt, cowboy boots and a pink top as she has sex with a guy outside on the grass behind some bushes before stopping for a bit as the guy decides to use the shocker on her causing her to go wild. Hi-res DVD capture from The American Poop Movie (AKA The Connecticut Poop Movie).
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In Your Dreams (2008)
Elize du Toit
Elize du Toit seen removing her trench coat to reveal a blue bra and blue panties and then having a guy walk over to her and poke her in each breast with his finger to make sure she's real before they kiss for a little bit and then argue for a while as she tries to convince him to have sex with her. Hi-res DVD capture from In Your Dreams.
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Scorpion (2007)
Caroline Proust
Caroline Proust of Engrenages fame having hard sex with a guy on her side, from behind up against a wall, facing him and against the wall, and then finally on her back while on top of him giving us some looks at her breasts as he squeezes her. Hi-res DVD capture from Scorpion.
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Simon Says (2006)
Margo Harshman
Margo Harshman of Even Stevens fame on top of a guy on a picnic table as he grabs and squeezes her right breast through her purple top and then sitting up and unbuttoning it a bit before he grabs a knife and just cuts the shirt open allowing her to bend over him again and slowly reach for another knife while showing off some cleavage in a pink bra until finally she tries to stab him with it. Hi-res DVD capture from Simon Says.
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Grace (2009)
Jordan Ladd
Jordan Ladd lying on her back underneath a guy as they have sex in bed in the missionary position. We then see Jordan naked, alone in bed as she lifts her knees up to her chest with her right breast visible. From Grace.
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Piranha Part Two: The Spawning (1981)
Carole Davis
Carole Davis lying back topless and reading a book giving us a great look at her breasts as she talks with Connie Lynn Hadden who is also topless as she steers the sailboat on the ocean. Hi-res DVD capture from Piranha Part Two: The Spawning.
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Crying for Love (2008)
Laura Christensen
Laura Christensen spinning around a room while making out with a guy and then pulling down her one-piece swimsuit revealing her left breast and then both breasts when she lies down on her back and starts having sex with him underneath and while on top. Hi-res DVD capture from Crying for Love (AKA Dig og mig).
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The Wire (2002)
Callie Thorne
Callie Thorne naked in a guy's lap facing him as they have sex sitting on a bed, her left breast in view. From The Wire.
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Cougar Town (2009)
Courteney Cox
Friends star Courteney Cox entering a room in a black bra and panties, showing off her sexy body as a guy waits for her in bed and turns the lights on bright and dim before Courteney climbs into bed and kisses him. From Cougar Town.
Sexy 0:23 - 8.00 MB - 1280x720 px September 26th, 2009 @ 1:43 pm Courteney Cox - Cougar Town - S01E01.mp4More [+]
American Son (2008)
Diana Terranova
Diana Terranova and Eurydice Davis entertaining a group of guys at a party, starting off showing plenty of cleavage as they give lap dances to some of the guys. The girls then touch tongues and things begin to heat up as they both go topless. Diana is the blond girl, and Eurydice is the other girl who shows her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from American Son.
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Kept and Dreamless (2005)
Vera Fogwill
Vera Fogwill sitting topless in a bathtub washing a little girl's hair and giving us some looks at her right breast and nipple in the process. Hi-res DVD capture from Kept and Dreamless (AKA Las mantenidas sin sueños).
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Phantasm II (1988)
Samantha Phillips
Samantha Phillips sitting in a guy's lap topless, holding his head to her chest as she kisses it and rocks him back and forth. She then begins to ride him hard, swinging her arm around like a cowgirl as she has sex with the guy with her breasts visible. Hi-res DVD capture from Phantasm II.
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Book of Blood (2009)
Sophie Ward
Heartbeat star Sophie Ward sitting in a guy's lap in bed as he lifts off her nightie, exposing her bare breasts and hard, long nipples. After touching her breasts, he lays Sophie down on her back and then goes down on her. From Book of Blood (AKA Clive Barker's Book of Blood).
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Le premier cercle (2009)
Vahina Giocante
Vahina Giocante asleep on her side in bed while topless, her breasts covered by her arm. A guy then leans over to kiss her, turning Vahina onto her back to expose both breasts. From Le premier cercle (AKA Inside Ring).
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Antichrist (2009)
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Charlotte Gainsbourg starting off naked as she rides a guy, briefly showing her breasts and then her bare butt as she walks out of the room. We then see her completely naked, lying against the roots of a tree and masturbating furiously with one hand, her legs spread wide with her breasts and bush in view. The guy then approaches her, lying between her legs to have sex with her as she grabs his ass. Hi-res DVD capture from Antichrist.
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The Happy Hooker Goes to Washington (1977)
Pamela Zinszer
Former Playboy Playmate Pamela Zinszer walking towards the camera and opening her trench coat to reveal her breasts and then posing for a bit. Hi-res DVD capture from The Happy Hooker Goes to Washington.
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China White Serpentine (2003)
Eli DeGeer
Eli DeGeer making out with a guy on a bed and removing her gray sweater to reveal her fully nude body and then kissing him some more while he feels her up before she turns around and gets on all fours and has sex with him from behind all as Amanda Booth films them with a video camera and gives them directions. Hi-res DVD capture from China White Serpentine.
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Palo Alto, CA (2007)
Christina DeRosa
Christina DeRosa (right) lesbian kissing Hailey Bright (left) and then having her top lowered to reveal her breasts all as some guys watch before Christina and Hailey each take a guy and start kissing them giving us some glimpses of Christina's left breast from the side and a bit of her ass in thong panties under her skirt until Hailey gets up and leaves. Hi-res DVD capture from Palo Alto, CA.
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Crank: High Voltage (2009)
Amy Smart
Amy Smart falling onto the dirt of a horse track during a race, grinding against the guy and riding him as the crowd watches. The guy then rolls Amy onto her back and flings her panties off so that they can have sex in a variety of wild positions as the crowd continues to cheer them on. At one point Amy's character shows bare breasts, but they are from a body double. From Crank: High Voltage.
Sexy 2:04 - 46.85 MB - 1280x688 px September 16th, 2009 @ 5:41 pm Amy Smart - Crank High Voltage - 3.mp4More [+]