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Top Girl (1997)
Carla Solaro
Carla Solaro nude underneath a guy as they have sex on a bed and ignore a ringing phone. Carla's legs are wrapped around the guy as he lies on top of her. At one point the guy is seen sucking on her breasts and then fingering her, though the close-up nudity in this portion is from a body double. Part 2 of 2 of a longer scene. Hi-res DVD capture from Top Girl.
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Laid to Rest (2009)
Bobbi Sue Luther
Bobbi Sue Luther pulling open her white shirt to reveal some very impressive cleavage in a beige bra to a guy and then teasing him about giving him a blow job before crawling over to the camera and having her right areola slip out of her bra a bit as she gets on the ground and then starts playing with her large breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Laid to Rest.
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Gossip Girl (2007)
Blake Lively
Blake Lively showing some cleavage in a black bra as she lies in bed with a guy, resting her head on his chest before sits up, kisses him, and then gets out of bed to also briefly show her panties. Good quality HDTV capture from Gossip Girl.
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The Girlfriend Experience (2009)
Sasha Grey
Sasha Grey waking up in bed naked, first showing her breasts as she sits up, and then showing full-frontal nudity when she walks completely nude through an apartment. We have significantly brightened this very dark scene. Hi-res DVD capture from The Girlfriend Experience.
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Getting Lucky (1990)
Lezlie Z. McCraw
Lezlie Z. McCraw sitting in a classroom in a red cheerleader skirt as she cross her legs and squirms around in a chair while starting to orgasm a bit as a teacher interrupts her before starting back up and finally erupting in a huge orgasm in front of the entire class all while a guy crawls around in a set meant to represent her vagina. Hi-res DVD capture from Getting Lucky.
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Powder Blue (2009)
Jessica Biel
Jessica Biel playing a stripper who comes on stage wearing a skimpy outfit that exposes the bottom of her breasts and includes black bikini-style bottoms. She then dances around the stripper pole, showing off her lithe body as a guy watches. She then faces her back to the camera as she unhooks her top and grabs a couple candles from the stage and pours hot red wax onto her chest and back. Spinning around, she shows her bare breasts with the wax dripping down on her nipples. She then kneels on the stage and splashes more wax on her chest while still topless, offering a couple more looks at her breasts as a guy watches. Hi-res DVD capture from Powder Blue.
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Winged Creatures (2008)
Kate Beckinsale
Kate Beckinsale in a red dress as a guy has sex with her from behind, holding her by the hips before he stops after hearing a baby crying. Hi-res DVD capture from Winged Creatures.
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Vinyan (2008)
Emmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart standing topless and partially covered in mud as a big group of native children stand around her and reach to grab her breasts with muddy hands, Emmanuelle's left nipple coming into view a few times. Hi-res DVD capture from Vinyan.
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A Man Called Magnum (1977)
Sonia Viviani
Sonia Viviani having a guy rip off her white dress to reveal her breasts and then struggling as him and another guy throw her to the bed before struggling some more as they pull off the rest of her dress revealing her white panties and then inject her with a syringe until finally she lies still while breathing. Hi-res DVD capture from A Man Called Magnum (AKA Napoli si ribella).
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Eight Miles High! (2007)
Natalia Avelon
Natalia Avelon fully nude as the scene fades in and out on her doing drugs, sitting fully nude, having sex while riding a guy, while on her side, and while on her knees from behind on the floor. Hi-res DVD capture from Eight Miles High! (AKA Das wilde Leben).
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El menor de los males (2007)
Verónica Echegui
Verónica Echegui sitting on the edge of a pool table as she hikes up her dress and puts something between her legs, inviting a guy over to put his head between her legs and retrieve it with his teeth. She then kisses the guy and undresses, ending up naked on top of the table as she goes down on the guy and has sex with him in a variety of positions. We see her breasts and butt before the ceiling collapses and a guy falls through, prompting Verónica to cover up. Hi-res DVD capture from El menor de los males.
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Sex and Lies in Sin City: The Ted Binion Scandal (2008)
Mena Suvari
Mena Suvari walking down some stairs and onto a strip club dance floor in a pair of very short shorts and fishnet stockings, a tied-off blue top, and small fringed jacket. She does a sexy dance around a stripper's pole for a bit, showing off her nice butt before she catches the eye of a guy in the audience. She then steps off the stage and gives the guy a lap dance, offering more nice views of her butt in the tiny shorts. Hi-res DVD capture from Sex and Lies in Sin City: The Ted Binion Scandal.
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A Girl Called Rosemarie (1996)
Nina Hoss
Nina Hoss whipping open a leopard-print coat to give a guy a full-frontal view of her naked body underneath, her breasts and bush in plain view as the guy stares with his mouth open before she covers back up. Hi-res DVD capture from A Girl Called Rosemarie.
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The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970)
Stella Stevens
Stella Stevens sitting in a barrel full of water outside as a guy washes her and sings with her before kissing her giving us some glimpses of her nipples until they spot a stagecoach coming and they scramble around trying to find some way to cover up her nude body. Hi-res DVD capture from The Ballad of Cable Hogue.
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Against All Odds (1984)
Rachel Ward
Rachel Ward having sex with a guy on her back on a stone altar bench inside of an Incan pyramid as he kisses her chest and lips before she spots something and stops him. Hi-res DVD capture from Against All Odds.
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Mountaintop Motel Massacre (1983)
Virginia Loridans
Virginia Loridans (left) and Amy Hill (right) getting out of their broken down car at night in the rain causing their white t-shirts to soak through immediately and their dark nipples to become visible under their see-through tops as they talk with each other for a while before a guy stops and lets them get into his car. From Mountaintop Motel Massacre.
0:47 - 84.10 MB - 1920x1080 px April 9th, 2017 @ 6:25 pm Virginia Loridans & Amy Hill - Mountaintop Motel Massacre - 1.mp4
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Co-Ed Confidential (2007)
Rachel Roxxx
Rachel Roxxx having a guy peel off her yellow boy shorts and bra, grabbing and sucking on her breasts as she lays back on a desk and he goes down on her. The guy then stands up and leans over Rachel as she grabs his shirt and they have sex. They then finish with Rachel standing and leaning over the desk as the guy has sex with her from behind. The couple then hear someone coming into the office, and Rachel hides under the desk, where we get one last nude look at her. Good quality HDTV capture from Co-Ed Confidential.
2:29 - 35.17 MB - 720x400 px May 3rd, 2009 @ 12:01 pm Rachel Roxxx - Co-Ed Confidential - S01E01.mpg
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My Bloody Valentine (2009)
Betsy Rue
Betsy Rue first lying on her back naked with her legs straight up in the air as she has wild sex with a guy on a motel room bed, then rolling over to ride him as they continue to have loud sex. Afterward, we see plenty of full nudity from Betsy as she kneels on the bed and then stands beside it as she argues with the guy. The guy then leaves the room, and she fumbles through her purse to grab a gun. Part 1 of 2 of a long, completely nude screen appearance. From My Bloody Valentine (AKA My Bloody Valentine 3D). Upgraded to a higher quality open matte version with more visible at the bottom showing more of her body.
1:30 - 63.55 MB - 1920x1080 px May 12th, 2024 @ 2:43 pm Betsy Rue - My Bloody Valentine - Open Matte - 1.mp4
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Death by Engagement (2005)
Edie Dearing
Edie Dearing first showing off some sexy cleavage as she bounces up and down excitedly in a low-cut top while talking to a guy. They then proceed to have sex, Edie now bouncing up and down topless while she rides the guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Death by Engagement.
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Into the Blue 2: The Reef (2009)
Mircea Monroe
Mircea Monroe making out with a guy wildly as they undress, Mircea showing some nice cleavage in a lacey bra before unhooking that and going topless. She straddles the guy before he spins her around onto her back as they then begin to have sex. Hi-res DVD capture from Into the Blue 2: The Reef.
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Rosario Tijeras (2005)
Flora Martínez
Flora Martínez lying nude on her stomach in bed as a guy has sex with her from behind, reaching his hand between her legs as we get a view of her left breast. Hi-res DVD capture from Rosario Tijeras.
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Hellbound (1994)
Zoe Trilling
Zoe Trilling wearing some sexy underwear - a pink bra, panties, and black garters - as she dances around a room and then sits on a couch watching TV before she heads to the bathroom, showing nice cleavage the whole time. Hi-res DVD capture from Hellbound.
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Bitten (2008)
Erica Cox
Erica Cox and Amy Lynn Grover both showing their breasts during a backlit threesome sex scene with a guy, the girls running their hands over each other's naked bodies and kissing one another's breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Bitten.
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What We Do Is Secret (2007)
Randi Newton
Randi Newton naked atop a guy as she rides him and another guy burts into the room, interrupting them. We see her bare butt and right breast from the side before getting another rear view as the second guy throws her out of the room. Hi-res DVD capture from What We Do Is Secret.
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Die weisse Massai (2005)
Nina Hoss
Nina Hoss shown naked during a sex scene with a guy in bed, her breasts in view as the guy kisses them while she lies on her back. Nina then rolls on top of the guy, giving us some more close-up view of her breasts while she rides him. Hi-res DVD capture from Die weisse Massai.
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99 Francs (2007)
Vahina Giocante
Vahina Giocante thrusting her hips against a guy as they finish having sex in bed, Vahina on top of the guy with her ass and right breast in view - the guy grabbing her butt with his hands. Hi-res DVD capture from 99 Francs.
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Never Surrender (2009)
Silvia Koys
In a montage of Silvia naked as she has sex with a guy, we see her breasts and butt while Silvia rides the guy, kneels on a bed as he has sex with her from behind, and lies on her back with the guy on top, kissing her. Hi-res DVD capture from Never Surrender.
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American High School (2009)
Jillian Murray
Jillian Murray making out with a guy in the principal's office at a school, undressing down to her bra as they then have sex on the desk. Hi-res DVD capture from American High School.
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The Sex Thief
Heather Vandeven
Heather Vandeven spreading her legs and giving us a very good look in between them while rolling around fully nude on a bed and running her hands over her body before putting on a pair of g-string panties and then finally a bra and some pants all as she gets dressed. Hi-res DVD capture from The Sex Thief. Part 3 of 3.
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April's Shower (2003)
Arly Jover
Honey Labrador grabbing Trish Doolan and lesbian kissing her causing Arly Jover to get jealous and grab Maria Cina and lesbian kiss her. Honey then starts kissing Trish again more passionately this time so Arly starts to kiss Maria before Honey stops her. Arly and Honey then argue for a bit until finally Arly takes Honey and they start making out with each other. Hi-res DVD capture from April's Shower.
Sexy 0:43 - 10.59 MB - 720x400 px April 28th, 2009 @ 2:42 pm ArlyJover,HoneyLabrador,[email protected]More [+]