Barbara Ramella sorted by most recent
Slam: Tutto per una ragazza
Barbara Ramella
Barbara Ramella pulling her shirt off and revealing her bra as she and a guy kiss on a bed. They then stop and talk for a while before eventually the guy puts on a condom and has sex with Barbara. We see her lying underneath him with her bra now off and her left breast in view before his arm moves in the way. From Slam: Tutto per una ragazza.
3:39 - 97.68 MB - 1920x800 px June 22nd, 2017 @ 8:38 pm Barbara Ramella - Slam Tutto per una ragazza - 1.mp4
Slam: Tutto per una ragazza
Barbara Ramella
Barbara Ramella topless when a guy opens the bathroom door to find her. She quickly covers up with her hands over her breasts before wrapping up in a towel. After talking to the guy for a while, we see her heading into a bedroom with him, followed by a view of her lying naked on her side talking to him in bed. As she moves her arm, we get a quick view of her right nipple. From Slam: Tutto per una ragazza.
1:55 - 41.56 MB - 1920x800 px June 22nd, 2017 @ 8:35 pm Barbara Ramella - Slam Tutto per una ragazza - 2.mp4