Frédérique Bel sorted by length
L'art d'aimer
Frédérique Bel
Frédérique Bel wearing a low-cut red dress that shows plenty of cleavage as she walks into a guy's apartment and talks to him Her dress is also a bit see-through and we see the shadow of her nipples underneath at times. From L'art d'aimer.
Sexy 4:02 - 187.17 MB - 1916x1032 px June 23rd, 2018 @ 2:22 pm Frederique Bel - L'art d'aimer - 1.mp4More [+]
Fais-moi plaisir!
Frédérique Bel
Frédérique Bel lying on her side naked in bed with the covers partially covering her midsection, briefly showing her left breast when she sits up as a guy talks to her. The guy then lays down on top of her. From Fais-moi plaisir! (AKA Please, Please Me!).
2:26 - 111.68 MB - 1920x1040 px January 31st, 2021 @ 9:00 pm Frederique Bel - Fais-moi plaisir! - 1.mp4
Metal Hurlant Chronicles
Frédérique Bel
Frédérique Bel having sex with a guy in bed, first lying on her back underneath him and then showing her breasts from the side as she rolls over to ride him. We see some more of her topless on her back under the guy before once more ending up on top of him. From Metal Hurlant Chronicles.
1:20 - 52.10 MB - 1920x1080 px May 23rd, 2018 @ 11:47 am Frederique Bel - Metal Hurlant Chronicles - S02E05 - 3.mp4
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Metal Hurlant Chronicles
Frédérique Bel
Frédérique Bel in a see-through nightie with nothing underneath, her breasts and butt visible through the thin fabric as she gets off a bed and then walks over to stand by a guy as he looks at himself in a mirror's reflection. The guy then turns around helps Frédérique shrug off her nightie go naked, seen from behind. From Metal Hurlant Chronicles.
1:18 - 37.71 MB - 1920x1080 px May 23rd, 2018 @ 11:48 am Frederique Bel - Metal Hurlant Chronicles - S02E05 - 2.mp4
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Fais-moi plaisir!
Frédérique Bel
Frédérique Bel getting up naked from a bed, showing her butt and then breasts as she walks over to a cupboard, being followed by a guy who is talking to her. From Fais-moi plaisir!.
0:40 - 29.99 MB - 1920x1040 px January 31st, 2021 @ 8:59 pm Frederique Bel - Fais-moi plaisir! - 2.mp4
L'art d'aimer
Frédérique Bel
Frédérique Bel showing some nice cleavage in a white bra as she lies on her stomach on a bed, propped up on her elbows in front of a laptop as she talks on a phone. From L'art d'aimer.
Sexy 0:17 - 14.38 MB - 1916x1032 px June 25th, 2018 @ 2:25 pm Frederique Bel - L'art d'aimer - 2.mp4More [+]
Red Nights
Frédérique Bel
Frédérique Bel seen partially distorted through a glass door as she shows full-frontal nudity looking through at a guy sitting on a bed. From Red Nights (AKA Les nuits rouges du bourreau de jade).
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Metal Hurlant Chronicles
Frédérique Bel
Frédérique Bel seen naked from behind briefly before she sits down on a bed, holding the covers to her front at the same time. From Metal Hurlant Chronicles.
0:03 - 2.42 MB - 1920x1080 px May 23rd, 2018 @ 11:50 am Frederique Bel - Metal Hurlant Chronicles - S02E05 - 1.mp4
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