Berta Cabré sorted by length
Fanny Pelopaja
Berta Cabré
Berta Cabré dancing and singing on stage as a topless showgirl, wearing a pink feathery and being joined on stage after a bit by a number of other topless girls in similar outfits. From Fanny Pelopaja.
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Fanny Pelopaja
Berta Cabré
Berta Cabré topless in a changing room as she puts on some accessories for her showgirl outfit while talking to Fanny Cottençon. From Fanny Pelopaja.
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Fanny Pelopaja
Berta Cabré
Berta Cabré standing against a wall as a guy holding a gun forces her to undress, Berta showing full-frontal nudity. The guy then approaches and pushes her onto her knees against the edge of a bed, taking the gun and assaulting her with her from behind. She then stands up by the wall again, showing her butt briefly at the end as she turns and gets shot by the guy. From Fanny Pelopaja.
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