from Chistye (2024)
Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna lying on her back on a bed wearing a blue bodice with her breasts exposed as a guy has sex with her, Sofya's blue stocking-ed legs up over his shoulders. The guy then flips her around on all fours and as sex with her from behind, her breasts bouncing. Afterward, she lies in bed next to the guy and we see more of her left breast before she finally sits up and pulls her dress up over her shoulder. From Chistye.
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Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna sitting against the headboard of a bed with her left breast free from her dress as she she strokes the hair of a guy who is lying and resting his head in her lap. From Chistye.
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Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna topless lying on her side in bed with a guy and laughing, showing her left breasts before she finally turns over on her other side. From Chistye.
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Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna lying on her side naked on a bench as we get a view of her butt from behind. She then rolls over and sits up, her breasts in view before we get a great full-frontal fully-shaven look as she stands up. She then walks across the room and looks out a window, offering another look at her butt. From Chistye.
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Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna standing naked in front of a guy before she wraps a sheet around her waist as the guy talks to her. We get a lengthy topless view of Sofya as she sits against a desk. After a while, the guy moves and sits down in a chair behind the desk and Sofya drops the sheet, climbing nude into the guy's lap to have sex. She starts to ride him before taking a break to go down on him before having sex in his lap again. From Chistye.
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Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna lying on her back naked under a guy as they finish having sex. The guy then rolls over onto his back and Sofya sits up to give some looks at her breasts and then her butt as she moves behind the guy and puts her arms around him as he sits. From Chistye.
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Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna showing bare breasts as she sits next to a guy on a bed and jerks him off, talking to him until finally he comes. She then pulls the covers up to his waist. From Chistye.
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Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna wearing a sheer top above her corset, her nipples somewhat visible through it as she sits in a chair and talks to a guy. She then stands up and walks over to the guy who embraces her while seated. She and the guy then move to the floor and have sex with Sofya keeping her clothes on. From Chistye.
Sexy 2:15 - 110.28 MB - 1920x960 px August 3rd, 2024 @ 2:17 pm Sofya Sinitsyna - Chistye - S01E08 - 1.mp4More [+]
Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna lying on her side in bed naked, kissing a guy on his back as he lies next to her, some scars visible on his back. She then talks to the guy as we get a look at her right breast at first, followed by a slightly closer view of both. From Chistye.
0:44 - 34.28 MB - 1920x960 px August 1st, 2024 @ 11:20 pm Sofya Sinitsyna - Chistye - S01E08 - 2.mp4
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Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna kneeling in front of a guy as he hits on a sofa and she washes his feet. She is wearing a corset with a see-through top underneath, her nipples somewhat visible through the sheer fabric. After a while, she leans forward and the guy touches her face before standing up and choking her with one hand before finally letting go. From Chistye.
Sexy 2:09 - 100.67 MB - 1920x960 px August 5th, 2024 @ 6:00 pm Sofya Sinitsyna - Chistye - S01E08 - 3.mp4More [+]

from Empire V (2023)
Empire V
Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna showing bare breasts pressed against the glass as a guy has sex with her from behind in a shower in this brief scene. From Empire V.
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Empire V
Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna seen from the side from across a room, and then from a guy's perspective as she has sex with him on bed - first under him and then on top of him. We then get a clear view of her breasts as she rolls over onto her back next to the guy afterward. Lastly, we see her topless once more in a jeans skirt as she bends over to gather up some of her things in a rush. From Empire V.
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from Asmodeus (2018)
Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna climbing naked into a bubble bath - showing her bare butt from above the tub - and giving a great look at her breasts when she reclines against the tub wall. A guy dressed in black then appears in the bath with her and she shows more of her breasts while pushing him back under the water. Finally, we see her sitting naked on a sofa with her legs crossed and one arm across the front of her breasts to cover her nipples. From a promotional trailer for a Russian web-series entitled Asmodeus.
1:09 - 20.35 MB - 1920x1080 px September 12th, 2021 @ 9:08 pm Sofya Sinitsyna - Asmodeus - Uncensored Trailer.mp4

from Kak ya stal... (2018)
Kak ya stal...
Sofya Sinitsyna
Sofya Sinitsyna taking a robe off to end up naked in a living room, seen from the side with her butt and right breast visible, as well as a bit of bush, as a guy watches her pull on a pair of panties. From Kak ya stal... (AKA How I Came to Be...).
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