from Dark Desire (2020)
Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes showing her right breast while lying in a bath tub with red-tinged water, a razor blade resting on the edge of the tub beside her. From Dark Desire (AKA Oscuro deseo).
0:13 - 5.14 MB - 1920x960 px February 3rd, 2022 @ 1:32 pm Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E01.mp4
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Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes making out with a guy on a bed of pine needles in a forest, the guy reaching his hand into her bra to touch her breast before she has sex with him in his lap. From Dark Desire (AKA Oscuro Deseo).
Sexy 0:28 - 33.75 MB - 1920x960 px July 22nd, 2020 @ 10:03 am Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E02.mp4More [+]
Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes having sex in a guy's lap in a bubble bath, showing her bare breasts as she rises and falls in his lap. From Dark Desire.
1:07 - 63.34 MB - 1920x960 px July 24th, 2020 @ 8:15 am Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E03.mp4
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Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes naked on her back under a guy as they have sex on a bed, her left breast visible from the side before the guy places his hand on it as he makes out with her. From Dark Desire.
0:09 - 8.44 MB - 1920x960 px August 1st, 2020 @ 8:14 pm Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E09 - 1.mp4
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Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes showing her left breast when we see her naked under a guy while having sex in bed, her left leg pulled up and wrapped around the guy. From Dark Desire.
0:22 - 20.81 MB - 1920x960 px July 30th, 2020 @ 1:37 pm Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E09 - 2.mp4
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Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes kissing a guy as they hold a glass of champagne each in bed. She then kisses the guy and climbs into his lap, almost revealing her butt as she loosely holds a sheet around herself. As she straddles the guy, she shows plenty of side boob when leaning over to kiss the guy. From Dark Desire.
Sexy 0:40 - 35.16 MB - 1920x960 px August 1st, 2020 @ 8:13 pm Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E10.mp4More [+]
Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes on her back as she and a guy have sex in bed with her left breast in view, then offering an even better topless look as she sits on the edge of a table and helps a guy undress quickly as they prepare to have sex. From Dark Desire.
0:13 - 9.23 MB - 1920x960 px August 3rd, 2020 @ 6:26 pm Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E11.mp4
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Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes having sex in a guy's lap while naked in bed, showing her bare butt and briefly her left breast as the guy has his hand placed on the other while she rides him and begins to put her hand around his neck. From Dark Desire.
0:50 - 44.23 MB - 1920x960 px August 4th, 2020 @ 8:34 pm Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E12.mp4
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Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes making out with a guy while in his lap, the guy pulling her robe down to her waist to reveal her breasts. The guy then carries her to a table and we see her naked as she and the guy have sex as she lies on her back on top of the table. From Dark Desire.
0:47 - 50.92 MB - 1920x960 px August 6th, 2020 @ 8:00 pm Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E15.mp4
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Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes having sex with a guy in a bubble bath, her right breast in view from the side in this flashback. Different footage than the version of this scene than appears in earlier episodes. From Dark Desire.
0:11 - 13.72 MB - 1920x960 px August 7th, 2020 @ 9:45 pm Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E17 - 1.mp4
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Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes showing bare breasts while naked on her back as we get a brief flashback of her having sex with a guy on top of a table. Different footage than the version of this scene than appears in earlier episodes. From Dark Desire.
0:04 - 3.81 MB - 1920x960 px August 7th, 2020 @ 9:43 pm Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E17 - 2.mp4
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Dark Desire
María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yepes disrobing beside a bath tub, showing her butt and breasts as she steps into the water and sits down. As she reclines, we get some brief flashbacks of her having sex with a couple different guys. We then see her lying in the water which is now tinged red with blood. From Dark Desire.
1:39 - 76.84 MB - 1920x960 px August 7th, 2020 @ 9:41 pm Maria Fernanda Yepes - Dark Desire - S01E17 - 3.mp4
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