Fernanda Franceschetto sorted by length
Fernanda Franceschetto
Fernanda Franceschetto stepping naked out of a shower while holding a towel against her body showing a bit of her left breast and nipple and then dropping the towel and crawling into bed fully nude as she lies down on her stomach showing her ass while she puts her hand under a sheet and plays with a guy for a while as they talk until finally she puts her head under the covers and starts going down on him. From (fdp).
0:44 - 25.96 MB - 1920x1080 px May 19th, 2022 @ 3:21 pm Fernanda Franceschetto - fdp - S01E06 - 1.mp4
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Fernanda Franceschetto
Fernanda Franceschetto doing a Playboy style photo shoot at first standing topless and in panties and then pulling a blue dress up exposing her breasts and body before we see her fully nude showing her breasts and bush as she crawls and rolls around on a couch as well as get a bit of a look in between her legs and at her ass all as the photographer takes pictures of her and talks with her until finally we see her still posing naked now on a TV screen. From (fdp).
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Fernanda Franceschetto
Fernanda Franceschetto topless and in black thong panties while in bed with a guy at first lying on her side giving us a close up look at her ass and then rolling over and showing her breast as she relaxes on his lap and talks with him until he flips a switch and turns on some party lights. From (fdp).
0:22 - 17.72 MB - 1920x1080 px May 19th, 2022 @ 3:18 pm Fernanda Franceschetto - fdp - S01E06 - 2.mp4
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Fernanda Franceschetto
Fernanda Franceschetto wearing skimpy black panties as she stands in front of a guy and pulls up her black tanktop to expose her breasts to him and then runs her hands underneath cupping her breasts as she shows them off before he sits up and grabs her breasts shoving his face in between them and kissing them as they hear someone knocking on the door and try and ignore them until finally Cynthia Falabella and another guy walk in on them and talk to them as Fernanda kneels on the bed with her top still pulled up running her hands and fingers over her breasts and nipples. From (fdp) (AKA Sob).
0:22 - 12.30 MB - 1920x1080 px May 19th, 2022 @ 3:24 pm Fernanda Franceschetto & Cynthia Falabella - fdp - S01E07.mp4
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Fernanda Franceschetto
Fernanda Franceschetto unbuttoning her blouse and opening it giving us a brief very close up glimpse of her left nipple and then buttoning it back up braless and showing a bit of her ass in blue panties as the camera pans down her body while she squats down. From Muamba.
Fernanda Franceschetto
Fernanda Franceschetto lying naked on her back showing her breasts while breathing heavily as she has sex with a guy on top of her all while another guy spies on them through the doorway. From Muamba.