from 19-2 (2011)
Sarianne Cormier
Sarianne Cormier loudly crying out while having lesbian sex naked on her stomach showing her breast as Véronique Beaudet pleasures her between the legs with one hand and grabs her throat with the other hand before Sarianne orgasms and then starts playing with a gun as they lie there naked together at first with Sarianne on her stomach and then rolled over on her back giving us another look at her breasts while they talk and as Sarianne teases Véronique with the gun by pressing it against Véronique's mouth until finally Véronique has had enough and sits up showing the side of her breast. From 19-2.
1:05 - 31.05 MB - 1920x1080 px June 4th, 2022 @ 3:16 pm Sarianne Cormier & Veronique Beaudet - 19-2 - S01E07 - 1.mp4
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Sarianne Cormier
Sarianne Cormier and Véronique Beaudet seen in a flashback sequence with alternate footage and a different angle lying in bed naked together showing Sarianne's breasts all as Sarianne takes a gun and presses against Véronique's mouth before Véronique pulls away. From 19-2.
0:02 - 0.48 MB - 1920x1080 px June 4th, 2022 @ 3:13 pm Sarianne Cormier & Veronique Beaudet - 19-2 - S01E07 - 2.mp4
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Sarianne Cormier
Sarianne Cormier giving us a look at her breasts as she gets up out of bed topless and in black panties and walks over to Véronique Beaudet pleading with her and trying to get Véronique to kiss her before pulling her down onto the bed as they struggle giving us more looks at Sarianne's breasts with Véronique on top of her until finally we see Sarianne lying in bed by herself upset with her arms pressed against her breasts. From 19-2.
0:35 - 44.27 MB - 1920x1080 px June 4th, 2022 @ 3:11 pm Sarianne Cormier & Veronique Beaudet - 19-2 - S03E06.mp4
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