from Louise and Her Lover (2011)
Louise and Her Lover
Morgan Powell
Morgan Powell walking into a bedroom fully nude as she lies down on a bed and places a painting next to her and then proceeds to masturbate while rubbing herself in between the legs and moaning and gasping all as she fantasizes about Julia Porter Howe in her underwear until finally she orgasms and then picks up the painting and gets out of bed spreading her legs a bit in the process. From Louise and Her Lover.
1:58 - 52.55 MB - 1280x720 px June 10th, 2022 @ 8:09 pm Julia Porter Howe & Morgan Powell - Louise and Her Lover - 4.mp4
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Louise and Her Lover
Morgan Powell
Morgan Powell giving us a close up look at her ass as she presses naked into Julia Porter Howe while Julia runs her feet up and down Morgan's legs and butt as they have lesbian sex all as seen during a flashback sequence. From Louise and Her Lover.
0:11 - 4.94 MB - 1280x720 px June 10th, 2022 @ 8:05 pm Julia Porter Howe & Morgan Powell - Louise and Her Lover - 5.mp4
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Louise and Her Lover
Morgan Powell
Morgan Powell pulling back the shower curtain and standing fully nude showing her breasts and bush as she wipes some water from her face and then steps out of the tub and goes over to a mirror where she checks herself out until finally she notices a painting behind her and goes and examines it still showing the side of her breast reflected in the mirror. From Louise and Her Lover.
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