from El man del porno (2018)
  • El man del porno

    Karina Guerra

    Karina Guerra bouncing up and down having sex with a guy on a couch as she rides him in reverse in an opened pink top with her breasts bouncing and jiggling on a porn set all as Aroha Hafez talks with Tatiana Ariza (credited as Tata Ariza) while wearing an opened black fur coat that shows her breasts and black panties before Aroha walks around and enters the scene through the door causing Karina to climb off of the guy and sit there with her breasts still visible as Aroha removes the fur coat to reveal her breasts completely and then lies down across the guy's lap in front of Karina as Karina reaches up touching Aroha's breast all during some opening credits. From El man del porno.

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  • El man del porno

    Karina Guerra

    Karina Guerra loudly moaning as a guy goes down on her as she stands in a red plaid schoolgirl skirt with one knee up on a desk and in an opened white blouse with a bra all while a photographer takes pictures and as Silvia Varón (credited as Silvia Varón Santamaría) and Tatiana Ariza (credited as Tata Ariza) watch. From El man del porno.

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