Elisabetta Cavallotti sorted by most recent
Elisabetta Cavallotti
Elisabetta Cavallotti seen topless as she watches herself on TV, and then we see a guy standing in front of a very large sceen showing Elisabetta fully nude and playing with herself. Good quality capture from Guardami.
Elisabetta Cavallotti
Elisabetta Cavallotti seen fully nude as she stands up, chained and gagged as a guy has sex with her from behind, and then another guy uses his hand on her from in front in this bondage sex scene. Good quality capture from Guardami.
Elisabetta Cavallotti
Elisabetta Cavallotti stripping down fully nude as she runs towards the waves at the beach, and then we see her naked again as she emerges from the water and a guy wraps her in a towel. Good quality capture from Guardami.
Elisabetta Cavallotti
Elisabetta Cavallotti seen kneeling in front of a guy as she gives him a blowjob in explicit detail, and then we see her and another girl being filmed as a couple guys have sex with them from behind. Good quality capture from Guardami.
Elisabetta Cavallotti
Elisabetta Cavallotti and Stefania Orsola Garello sitting naked, facing each other in bed as they reach between each other's legs and make out during this nice lesbian sequence. Good quality capture from Guardami.
Elisabetta Cavallotti
Elisabetta Cavallotti fully nude while onstage at a sex show with a guy, giving us an explicit look between her legs as a guy fingers her briefly, and then she squats over him and he pulls a scarf out of her with his teeth. Good quality capture from Guardami.