Giovanna Mezzogiorno sorted by most popular
Facing Windows
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno having a guy pull of her shirt in bed and revealing her breasts, which the guy leans over to suck on. She then rolls over on top of him to ride him. Hi-res DVD capture from Facing Windows (AKA La finestra di fronte).
Don't Tell
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorni sitting with a guy in bed as he lowers her top to expose her breasts, which he puts his hands on. Hi-res DVD capture from Don't Tell (AKA La bestia nel cuore).
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Don't Tell
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno standing in front of a mirror as she opens her white bath robe to reveal her breasts, which she begins to feel before she is interrupted. Hi-res DVD capture from Don't Tell.
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Love in the Time of Cholera
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno sitting up in bed, allowing a doctor to untie her nightshirt to expose her breasts as she sits topless during an in-home checkup. Hi-res DVD capture from Love in the Time of Cholera.
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Napoli velata
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno having a guy put his hand up her dress as he makes out with her against a wall. The guy then kneels in front of her and pulls her panties down to go down on her before turning her around and kissing her butt cheeks. She then unbuttons his pants and licks his thigh before they move naked to a bed, where he sucks on her nipple. She then flips him onto his stomach and kisses her way down his back and on his butt. Finally we see the guy having sex with Giovanna from behind while lying on top of her. From Napoli Velata (AKA Naples in Veils).
3:27 - 185.36 MB - 1920x804 px May 10th, 2018 @ 2:34 pm Giovanna Mezzogiorno - Napoli Velata - 1.mp4
Don't Tell
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno being awakened by a guy in bed, rolling over topless and showing her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Don't Tell.
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Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno making out with a guy while he helps her slip her dress off, revealing her bare butt and her left breast. Now naked, Giovanna is picked up by the guy and carried to a bed, where we see them have sex. From Vincere.
Napoli velata
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno standing in front of a guy as she unbuttons her shirt and he places his hand on her breast. She then lays back on a bed and we get a view from above as the guy places her hand between her legs and she puts it down her panties while the guy opens up her shirt and exposes her breasts. He squeezes one of them while kissing her and licking her neck. From Napoli Velata.
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno pulling her dress up to flash her bush before turning away. From Vincere.
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno lying fully nude on a bed as a guy enters the room, looking down at her bare breasts and bush as she sleeps and then awakens. Giovanna then sits up, still naked. From Vincere.
Gli indifferenti
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno and a guy both naked as she sits up next to him with her breasts visible over his body and then has him roll over a bit all while they talk before she goes to get up showing her ass and her right breast from the side while putting a shirt on. From Gli indifferenti (AKA The Time of Indifference).
0:38 - 16.60 MB - 1920x798 px March 16th, 2021 @ 1:40 pm Giovanna Mezzogiorno - The Time of Indifference - 2.mp4
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Gli indifferenti
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno lying back on a couch in an opened robe as a guy goes down on her while reaching up and grabbing her left breast before she has him lie on his back while she kisses his chest and licks his lips all while the robe hangs open still showing a bit of her right breast and nipple. From Gli indifferenti (AKA The Time of Indifference).
0:30 - 29.76 MB - 1920x798 px March 16th, 2021 @ 1:38 pm Giovanna Mezzogiorno - The Time of Indifference - 1.mp4
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Napoli velata
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno seen topless in a shower with a mirror next to her, first facing the camera and then turning around. From Napoli Velata.
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Giovanna Mezzogiorno first sitting up in a hospital bed while topless, giving us a somewhat distant view of her bare breasts. We then get a much closer look as she lays back down and looks over to talk to the woman in the next bed over. From Vincere.