from Breaking the Girls (2012)
Breaking the Girls
Kate Levering
Kate Levering of Kevin Hill and Drop Dead Diva fame giving us a look at the side of her left breast as she has sex with a guy while riding him on a lounge chair next to a pool at night all while Agnes Bruckner watches them from a window. From Breaking the Girls.
Sexy 0:12 - 4.27 MB - 1280x720 px January 26th, 2014 @ 5:37 pm Kate Levering & Agnes Bruckner - Breaking the Girls.mp4More [+]
Breaking the Girls
Kate Levering
Kate Levering (blonde) of Drop Dead Diva fame passionately lesbian kissing Madeline Zima (brunette) as she removes her red dress to reveal a bra and very skimpy black lace thong-ish panties that show off her ass as she lies Madelina back in a chair while still making out with her and then eventually starts going down on her. From Breaking the Girls.
Sexy 1:05 - 22.48 MB - 1280x720 px January 22nd, 2014 @ 7:24 pm Kate Levering & Madeline Zima - Breaking the Girls - 1.mp4More [+]

from Kevin Hill (2004)
Kevin Hill
Kate Levering
Kate Levering wearing a white shirt lowered revealing a bra as she has sex with a guy from behind and then up against a wall in a janitor's closet knocking stuff over in the process from Kevin Hill.
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Kevin Hill
Kate Levering
Kate Levering wearing an opened robe that reveals a blue bra that shows off some nice cleavage and having her butt grabbed and squeezed by a guy before kissing him and then talking to him for a bit during the opening credits of Kevin Hill.
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Kevin Hill
Kate Levering
Kate Levering taking off her top to reveal some nice cleavage in a blue bra and then climbing on top of a guy lying on a couch and kissing him before being interrupted by Laura DeCarteret from Kevin Hill.
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