Julie Gayet sorted by most popular
Sans laisser de traces
Julie Gayet
Julie Gayet showing full-frontal nudity as she walks past a bed, shedding her bra to go fully naked with her breasts, buns and bush visible before getting under the sheets. We then see her having sex with a guy in the bed, showing bare breasts again while underneath him and lying next to him afterward. From Sans laisser de traces (AKA Traceless).
Clara et moi
Julie Gayet
Julie Gayet lying naked on her side in bed, giving us an extended look at her breasts and bush when a guy lies next to her and they talk. Hi-res DVD capture from Clara et moi.
Clara et moi
Julie Gayet
Julie Gayet showing bare buns when she sits on a bed in a towel, which she takes off when a guy leans over to kiss her. Hi-res DVD capture from Clara et moi.
One Hundred and One Nights
Julie Gayet
Julie Gayet topless in just a pair of jeans as a guy leads her from a kitchen into a bedroom where he tosses her a t-shirt to put on, which she does. From One Hundred and One Nights.
0:18 - 22.78 MB - 1792x1080 px August 28th, 2020 @ 8:54 pm Julie Gayet - One Hundred and One Nights - 2.mp4
One Hundred and One Nights
Julie Gayet
Julie Gayet showing cleavage in a red teddy as a guy wakes her up from sleeping on the floor and she sits up against the edge of a bed. She then stands up, revealing her panties and more cleavage as she leans over to put on a pair of pants before sitting down on the bed. From One Hundred and One Nights (AKA Les cent et une nuits de Simon Cinéma).
Sexy 0:49 - 53.33 MB - 1792x1080 px August 28th, 2020 @ 8:58 pm Julie Gayet - One Hundred and One Nights - 1.mp4