from A Perfect Man (2013)
A Perfect Man
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Jeanne Tripplehorn briefly giving a slightly out of focus view of her breasts while under a guy in a sex scene in bed. From A Perfect Man.

from Swept Away (2002)
Swept Away
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Jeanne Tripplehorn walking down the side of a ship in slow motion holding a glass of wine while wearing an orange dress with no bra and hard nipples. Hi-res DVD capture from Swept Away.
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Swept Away
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Jeanne Tripplehorn wearing a red dress with no bra and hard nipples as she sits at dinner drinking wine with Madonna and Elizabeth Banks. Hi-res DVD capture from Swept Away.
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from Mickey Blue Eyes (1999)
Mickey Blue Eyes
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Jeanne Tripplehorn showing plenty of cleavage in a sexy red dress as she approaches a guy and kisses him, sitting down on a couch beside him and making out with him some more. She then continues to show cleavage when a guy comes into the apartment and points a gun at the couple and Jeanne accidentally shoots him. From Mickey Blue Eyes.
Sexy 3:38 - 209.63 MB - 1920x1080 px March 5th, 2018 @ 8:18 pm Jeanne Tripplehorn - Mickey Blue Eyes.mp4

from Sliding Doors (1998)
Sliding Doors
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Jeanne Tripplehorn kissing a guy and then being interrupted as she finishes having sex with a guy on a bed. We then see Jeanne sitting on the edge of the bed in a black slip, leaning over a bit so that the slip hangs open and reveals a good portion of her right breast, including her nipple. From Sliding Doors.

from Basic Instinct (1992)
Basic Instinct
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Jeanne Tripplehorn having her great breasts exposed as a guy squeezes them and then tears her panties off so that he can sex with her from behind in a hot love scene. Afterward, we see her topless again as she talks to the guy and then walks across the room. From the unrated version of Basic Instinct. Updated to higher quality.
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