from Going Under (2004)
Going Under
Geno Lechner
Geno Lechner lying naked on top of Miho Nikaido, both of them showing breasts as the camera pans up their bodies. We then see Geno turn on her side to give us a better look at her left breast when Miho gets up. Hi-res DVD capture from Going Under.
Going Under
Geno Lechner
Geno Lechner walking into a room topless, slowly approaching a guy. When she reaches him, he leans over to kiss her breasts, and then she backs against a wall as he reaches between her legs. Hi-res DVD capture from Going Under.

from Immortal Beloved (1994)
Immortal Beloved
Geno Lechner
Geno Lechner running backwards down a trail in the woods, pulling her dress down to expose both breasts as a guy chases after her. From Immortal Beloved.
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