from The Year I Started Masturbating (2022)
The Year I Started Masturbating
Katia Winter
Katia Winter topless on her stomach in a pair of panties on a sofa next to a sleeping guy, Katia being awoken when a family approaches the sofa. Katia shows her left breast as she gets up, then covers up while getting dressed in a hurry. From The Year I Started Masturbating (AKA Året jag slutade prestera och började onanera).
0:38 - 37.56 MB - 1920x1038 px February 21st, 2023 @ 3:43 pm Katia Winter - The Year I Started Masturbating - 1.mp4
The Year I Started Masturbating
Katia Winter
Katia Winter straddling a guy on a sofa and lifting her shirt off to reveal her bra. She and the guy then make out and have sex, Katia going topless with her skirt on. She then reaches for a phone and accidentally answers a phone call in which the guy gets some bad news and begins to cry. From The Year I Started Masturbating.
1:29 - 83.14 MB - 1920x1038 px February 21st, 2023 @ 3:42 pm Katia Winter - The Year I Started Masturbating - 2.mp4

from Sleepy Hollow (2013)
Sleepy Hollow
Katia Winter
Katia Winter of Dexter fame asleep on her side in a low cut white top that shows some cleavage as a spider crawls into her mouth and she wakes up freaking out. From Sleepy Hollow.
Sexy 0:12 - 5.41 MB - 1280x720 px November 15th, 2014 @ 4:48 pm Katia Winter - Sleepy Hollow - S02E06.mp4More [+]

from Love Sick Love (2012)
Love Sick Love
Katia Winter
Katia Winter standing in front of a mirror wearing a red bra and panties, checking out her own reflection before picking up a red dress and holding it in front of her. From Love Sick Love.
Love Sick Love
Katia Winter
Katia Winter showing plenty of cleavage in a red dress while lying on her stomach on a bed and taling on a phone, rolling onto her side at one point before moving back onto her stomach and propping herself up by her elbows. From Love Sick Love.
Love Sick Love
Katia Winter
Katia Winter lying in bed with a guy, her left breast visible while on her back. She then rolls on top of the guy and we see her bare breasts from the side as she has sex with him, the red sheets wrapped around her waist as she rides the guy. From Love Sick Love.
Love Sick Love
Katia Winter
Katia Winter wearing a red bra and panties as she stands in front of a mirror and we see her from behind as well as in front in the reflection as she looks at herself in the mirror. From Love Sick Love.

from Arena (2011)
Katia Winter
Katia Winter showing complete nudity when she undresses down to just a pair of shoes in a guy's room. The guy then picks her up and puts her against a wall where he tries to make out with her before she stops him. She then knocks the guy out with an electrical charge and shows more of her breasts, buns, and bush while looking through the guy's effects. From Arena.
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Katia Winter
Katia Winter stepping out of a shower holding a towel to her front, showing her bare butt as she walks across a room and looks at some pictures pasted up on a mirror. From Arena.
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Katia Winter
Katia Winter seen from above as she stands up next to a bed and drops her robe, revealing her breasts as she sits down on the bed and pulls the covers around her waist. From Arena.
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Katia Winter
Katia Winter making out with a guy against a wall and then having him pick her up and drop her down on a bed, where he pulls down he dress to expose her breasts and has sex with her. From Arena.
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from Unmade Beds (2009)
Unmade Beds
Katia Winter
Katia Winter standing topless in a blonde wig laughing with some guys and then climbing onto a bed and having sex with them in a threesome. Hi-res DVD capture from Unmade Beds.
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from Night Junkies (2007)
Night Junkies
Katia Winter
Katia Winter changing tops in a dressing room, showing her right breast from the side, and then showing both breasts reflected in the mirror before she puts on a shirt. Hi-res DVD capture from Night Junkies.
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Night Junkies
Katia Winter
Katia Winter naked atop a guy as she bounces on top of him while riding him, having the guy grab her breasts as they have sex. Hi-res DVD capture from Night Junkies.
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from Dexter (2006)
Katia Winter
Katia Winter topless as she spins around a pole at a strip club while dancing, seen through the club's office window. From Dexter.
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Katia Winter
Katia Winter wearing a blue bikini top and blue bikini bottoms as she walks through a strip club around some unknown women in various states of undress and then stops and talks with a guy for a while until he grabs her and takes her away. From Dexter.
Sexy 0:30 - 10.31 MB - 1280x720 px June 14th, 2013 @ 9:51 pm Katia Winter & Unknown - Dexter - S07E09.mp4More [+]
Katia Winter
Katia Winter standing on a strip club stage in a pink sequined bikini top and bottoms as a guy talks with her and an unknown topless woman and until she walks away giving us some looks at her ass in skimpy bottoms all while Debra L. Wilson talks with him about her. From Dexter.
Sexy 0:47 - 16.34 MB - 1280x720 px June 14th, 2013 @ 9:52 pm Katia Winter, Dana L Wilson & Unknown - Dexter - S07E04.mp4More [+]