from Friday the 13th (2009)
Friday the 13th
America Olivo
America Olivo unbuttoning her shirt beside a campfire, revealing a bra as two guys talk to each other nearby and one watches America slide her bra off to reveal her large breasts. She then splashes some oil in her hands and massages and rubs her breasts as the guy makes signals at her. This version from the Killer Cut features different and more footage than the version from the theatrical cut that we also feature. From Friday the 13th. Updated to higher quality.
0:46 - 33.66 MB - 1920x800 px August 29th, 2017 @ 8:26 am America Olivo - Friday the 13th - 1 - Killer Cut.mp4
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Friday the 13th
America Olivo
America Olivo unbuttoning her shirt beside a campfire, revealing a bra as two guys talk to each other nearby and one watches America slide her bra off to reveal her large breasts. She then splashes some oil in her hands and massages and rubs her breasts as the guy makes signals at her. This version of the scene from the theatrical cut contains different footage than the version from the Killer Cut that we also feature, notably when America rubs her breasts with her bra on, pulls her bra down and makes faces at the guy, and pours oil directly on her breasts. From Friday the 13th. Updated to higher quality.
0:27 - 24.22 MB - 1920x800 px August 29th, 2017 @ 8:24 am America Olivo - Friday the 13th - 1 - Theatrical Cut.mp4
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Friday the 13th
America Olivo
America Olivo seen in a sex scene with a guy in a tent, kneeling in front of him as he has sex with her from behind. They hear a noise outside, at which point America moves her arms to expose her breasts. We then see a silhouette of America bouncing topless from outside the tent as they resume having sex before yet again stopping. We catch one more quick glance at America's right breast as she then talks to the guy. From Friday the 13th. Updated to higher quality.
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from Conception (2011)
America Olivo
America Olivo having intense sex with a guy on her back on the edge of a bed and then stopping for a bit to talk with him giving us a better look at her large breasts before they go back to having sex. From Conception.
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America Olivo
America Olivo naked having sex with a guy standing up in a steamy shower and then stopping and talking with him for a bit before they go back to touching each other and then finally start having sex from behind with America pressed up against the glass door. From Conception.
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America Olivo
America Olivo standing naked in a shower showing us her large breasts as she talks with a guy and then kisses him for a bit before getting out of the shower. From Conception.
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from Circle (2010)
America Olivo
America Olivo making out with a guy in a van while wearing a low-cut brown dress. As she rolls around with the guy, she shows a flash of her panties as her dress hikes up, and then her left breast as it comes free from her dress. From Circle.
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America Olivo
America Olivo standing under an outdoor shower in a brown bikini top and skirt, getting wet before a guy shows up and joins her under the shower. As she makes out with the guy, he removes her top and we see America's bare breasts while embracing the guy and jumping into his arms. From Circle.
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from Bitch Slap (2009)
Bitch Slap
America Olivo
America Olivo whipping off a nun's outfit to reveal a sexy black bikini and leather mini-skirt underneath as she walks out of a church, her nun's habit still on as she encounters some guys who draw guns on her and then handcuff her. From Bitch Slap.
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Bitch Slap
America Olivo
America Olivo first showing off her flat stomach as she does a pull-up in a jail cell while wearing a cut-off tank top. She is then seen making out in the cell with Erin Cummings, who is wearing an orange prison jumpsuit. From Bitch Slap.
Sexy 0:14 - 4.75 MB - 1280x544 px February 20th, 2010 @ 12:59 pm America Olivo & Erin Cummings - Bitch Slap.mp4More [+]
Bitch Slap
America Olivo
America Olivo, Erin Cummings and Julia Voth each emerging from a car in slow motion, making a sexy entrance. Erin steps out first, followed by America in a white tank top who then goes to check out an abandoned trailer. Erin then helps Julia out of the car, showing lots of cleavage as she emerges from the back seat in a gold dress. From Bitch Slap.
Sexy 1:42 - 35.28 MB - 1280x544 px February 16th, 2010 @ 1:56 pm America Olivo & Erin Cummings & Julia Voth - Bitch Slap - 1.mp4More [+]
Bitch Slap
America Olivo
America Olivo, Erin Cummings and Julia Voth showing lots of cleavage and bouncing breasts in slow motion as they dig in the sand with shovels, America in a tied-off white tank top, Erin in an unbuttoned dress shirt with a black bra underneath, and Julia in a gold dress. From Bitch Slap.
Sexy 0:51 - 17.72 MB - 1280x544 px February 16th, 2010 @ 1:54 pm America Olivo & Erin Cummings & Julia Voth - Bitch Slap - 2.mp4More [+]
Bitch Slap
America Olivo
America Olivo, Erin Cummings and Julia Voth taking a break from digging in the sand by soaking one another with buckets of water. Julia douses herself first, showing some pokey nipples in her gold dress. She then splashes Erin, and then those two team up on America. We then see some slow motion views of all three girls getting each other wet. From Bitch Slap.
Sexy 2:07 - 44.19 MB - 1280x544 px February 18th, 2010 @ 12:04 pm America Olivo & Erin Cummings & Julia Voth - Bitch Slap - 3.mp4More [+]

from Maniac (2012)
America Olivo
America Olivo entering a room with two guys, one of them pulling open her gold shirt as she makes out with him, her bare breasts visible as the guy leans over and kisses between them. We then see more of America topless as she picks up a mirror and does a line of coke off it. From Maniac.
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America Olivo
America Olivo showing her bare butt from the side when a guy has sex with her from behind against a column, her left leg lifted up and her dress pulled up around her waist. From Maniac.
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from No One Lives (2012)
No One Lives
America Olivo
America Olivo naked in a shower, first showing her left breast when raising her arms, then showing her right breast when turning to the side. From No One Lives.
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No One Lives
America Olivo
America Olivo seen naked from above while taking a shower, her breasts and butt in view. A guy then appears behind the shower curtain and wraps his arm around her neck, choking her as her large breasts jiggle and get squeezed together as she reaches up to hold the guy's arm. We then see America naked and hanging from the shower curtain with her breasts in view again before another guy pulls out a gun and quickly shoots her. From No One Lives.
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from Iron Man (2008)
Iron Man
America Olivo
America Olivo wearing a striped bikini and Mellany Gandara wearing a brown bikini as they spot a guy walking with Gwyneth Paltrow who passes by Allison McAtee briefly in a flower print bikini top before joining America and Mellany and then taking them upstairs to a bed where they're joined by Francine Reynolds in a blue bikini. Hi-res DVD capture of a deleted scene from Iron Man.
Sexy 1:36 - 25.94 MB - 720x304 px November 4th, 2008 @ 10:28 pm AmericaOlivo,MellanyGandara,FrancineReynolds,[email protected]More [+]