from The Day the Earth Stopped (2008)
The Day the Earth Stopped
Sinead McCafferty
Sinead McCafferty walking naked through the woods, seen from a medium distance between the trees, and then in a closer view that shows just her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from The Day the Earth Stopped.
0:35 - 8.29 MB - 720x400 px February 26th, 2009 @ 4:26 pm bM9390-SineadMcCafferty@TheDayTheEarthStopped-1.mpg -
The Day the Earth Stopped
Sinead McCafferty
Sinead McCafferty walking down a moonlit road at night while completely naked, first seen from behind, and then giving us a better view of her breasts as a couple guys drive up in a car and shine their headlights on her. Hi-res DVD capture from The Day the Earth Stopped.
0:36 - 8.57 MB - 720x400 px February 26th, 2009 @ 4:25 pm bM9391-SineadMcCafferty@TheDayTheEarthStopped-2.mpg