from Antonia's Line (1995)
Antonia's Line
Els Dottermans
Els Dottermans lying on a bed topless as she has slow sex with a guy and kisses him giving us numerous glimpses of her right nipple underneath his chest all while the camera zooms in. Hi-res DVD capture from Antonia's Line.
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Antonia's Line
Els Dottermans
Els Dottermans pulling a guy on top of her on a bed and then making out with him while he lays naked on her giving us some looks at her right breast and nipple. Hi-res DVD capture from Antonia's Line.
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Antonia's Line
Els Dottermans
Els Dottermans doing a fully nude handstand up against a wall and then jiggling a bit before lowering herself back down to the ground all as a guy sleeps in a bed beside her. Hi-res DVD capture from Antonia's Line.
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Antonia's Line
Els Dottermans
Els Dottermans (right) and Elsie de Brauw (left) both sitting up in a bed nude as they run their hands over their body and lesbian kiss each other passionately while the camera zooms in on them. Hi-res DVD capture from Antonia's Line.
0:34 - 8.25 MB - 624x352 px July 31st, 2009 @ 11:12 pm ElsDottermans&ElsiedeBrauw@AntoniasLine-CMA.mpgMore [+]