from Battlecreek (2017)
  • Battlecreek

    Claire van der Boom

    Claire van der Boom naked bending over as she picks up a pair of panties and puts them on after having gone skinny dipping at night with a guy in a lake. She also shows her breast from the side before she puts on a bra and turns to face the guy who is standing near the water. From Battlecreek.

    0:29 - 20.68 MB - 1912x1028 px February 9th, 2020 @ 10:00 am Claire van der Boom - Battlecreek.mp4

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from 5 Flights Up (2014)
  • 5 Flights Up

    Claire van der Boom

    Claire van der Boom of Hawaii Five-0 fame removing her blue robe and then sitting down in a chair and putting her arm above her head all while she gives us some glimpses of the side of her left breast as she poses for a guy who is painting her before it fades into the painting itself. From 5 Flights Up.

    Sexy 0:12 - 4.12 MB - 1280x536 px November 21st, 2015 @ 6:48 pm Claire van der Boom - 5 Flights Up.mp4
from Constantine (2014)
from Rush (2008)
  • Rush

    Claire van der Boom

    Claire van der Boom seen through a window having sex with a guy while on her back and in a tanktop and then having him pick her up and carry her over to a kitchen counter as he hears some beeping causing him to unplug the toaster before he then carries her over the kitchen table showing the bottom of her ass and goes back to having sex with her again until finally they hear an explosion and stop and look up. From Rush.

    0:40 - 14.13 MB - 1280x720 px August 27th, 2015 @ 8:46 pm Claire van der Boom - Rush - S01E07.mp4

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