from Red Sparrow (2018)
Red Sparrow
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence showing her bare back and a bit of side boob as she showers naked, then showing cleavage in a black bra as she puts on a red dress afterward. From Red Sparrow. Updated to higher quality.
Sexy 0:15 - 10.46 MB - 1920x800 px May 14th, 2018 @ 10:34 am Jennifer Lawrence - Red Sparrow - 1.mp4More [+]
Red Sparrow
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence unzipping and letting a red dress fall to the floor as she reveals cleavage in a black bra and panties. She walks toward a guy who waits on the edge of a bed, Jennifer putting one foot up on the bed as the guy runs his hand over her leg. He then pulls her down into his lap and turns her around, laying her down on her back on the bed as he yanks her panties off. She shows plenty of cleavage and some of the side of her butt as the guy begins to have sex with her but then meets his demise when someone in a motorcycle helmet appears behind him and chokes him to death. Jennifer then sits up, putting on a coat. From Red Sparrow. Updated to higher quality.
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Red Sparrow
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence taking a shower as we see her from the shoulders up when a guy comes into the room and pushes her against the metal tower where the shower controls are located. She then pulls a knob off and turns around to attack the guy, flashing her breasts a few times as she beats him bloody. From Red Sparrow. Updated to higher quality.
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Red Sparrow
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence standing at the front of a classroom as she undresses while a group of students looks on and one guy stands in front of her. Jennifer strips down completely, revealing her left breast and almost giving a look between her legs as she slides her panties off. She then sits back on a desk with her legs spread, giving a great look at her butt from behind as she invites the guy to have sex with her, but instead watching him turn and leave. From Red Sparrow. Updated to higher quality.
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Red Sparrow
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence wearing a revealing swimsuit that is cut down the middle to expose plenty of cleavage as she walks past a guy at an indoor swimming pool, then dives into the water. We then get another view of the same suit as she later walks the same path, this time looking for the guy. From Red Sparrow. Updated to higher quality.
Sexy 0:51 - 32.76 MB - 1920x800 px May 14th, 2018 @ 10:23 am Jennifer Lawrence - Red Sparrow - 5.mp4More [+]
Red Sparrow
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence wearing skimpy panties that show a bgood portion of her butt as she opens a door and walks into a room where a guy is sitting on a sofa. She then climbs into the guy's lap and and has sex with him, riding him as he puts his hands on her hips. From Red Sparrow. Updated to higher quality.
Sexy 1:21 - 52.71 MB - 1920x800 px May 14th, 2018 @ 10:22 am Jennifer Lawrence - Red Sparrow - 6.mp4More [+]
Red Sparrow
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence naked and bent over while seated on a chair with her arms up in the air and bound by some straps above her. We see her butt from the side as well as plenty of side boob as she has her breasts pressed against her knees and some water is dripped and poured on her back. From Red Sparrow. Updated to higher quality.
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from Serena (2014)
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence rolling around in bed with a guy in her underwear and then seen having sex with him, though no nudity is shown. From Serena. Updated to higher quality.
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence lying in a bat tub as a guy runs his hand down her chest and under the water, pleasuring Jennifer out of view. From Serena. Updated to higher quality.
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence having sex with a guy in his lap, giving us a darkly lit view of the side of her leg as she is seen in the guy's lap with her arms around him. From Serena. Updated to higher quality.
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence seen from above underneath a guy as they have sex on a bed, her legs around him. From Serena. Updated to higher quality.
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence asleep on her side in bed, showing nice cleavage in her nightie as a guy sits down beside her and begins to talk to her, waking her up. Jennifer is then seen outside in the same nightie, again showing cleavage. Lastly, she walks through a cabin in the same outfit, this time showing a pokey nipple along with cleavage. From Serena. Updated to higher quality.
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence showing cleavage in a low-cut nightie as she walks around a cabin and showing a pokey nipple briefly when she bends over to put down two glasses. From Serena. Updated to higher quality.

from No Hard Feelings (2023)
No Hard Feelings
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence standing on a beach at night as she strips off her shirt and bra and walks naked into the ocean as a guy watches. She then rushes fully nude out of the water and back up the beach, showing her bouncing breasts and bush as she runs up to a group of people who stole her clothes and attacks them. We see her hitting them, grabbing them, and throwing one of them to the ground all while still completely naked with her breasts jiggling until finally she gathers her clothes back up. From No Hard Feelings. Updated to higher quality.
1:17 - 70.98 MB - 1920x1038 px August 31st, 2023 @ 7:57 pm Jennifer Lawrence - No Hard Feelings - 1.mp4
No Hard Feelings
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence wearing a tight red dress that keeps slipping down as she slowly scoots a chair across an office and then stands up bending over and dragging it with her breasts spilling out of her top all while a guy sits in front of a computer watching. From No Hard Feelings.
Sexy 0:21 - 10.80 MB - 1920x1040 px August 10th, 2023 @ 3:35 pm Jennifer Lawrence - No Hard Feelings - 2.mp4 -
No Hard Feelings
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence shaking her ass, spanking it, and twerking a bit, in white shorts as she performs a dance for a guy sitting on a couch before she has him lightly spank her ass and push her down with his foot until she gets on top and starts grinding on him in reverse giving him a bit of a lap dance and then switches and has him sit on her lap while she bounces him around instead. From No Hard Feelings.
Sexy 1:09 - 62.37 MB - 1920x1040 px August 10th, 2023 @ 3:37 pm Jennifer Lawrence - No Hard Feelings - 3.mp4 -
No Hard Feelings
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence removing her dress and getting into bed as a guy takes off his clothes to join her and then climbs on top and very briefly has sex with her as he prematurely orgasms and then rolls off and lies down to talk with her all as she shows a bit of cleavage in her bra and as she takes a stuffed animal and uses it to clean herself up under the covers until finally she gets out of bed and puts her dress back on. From No Hard Feelings.
Sexy 2:21 - 113.60 MB - 1920x1040 px August 10th, 2023 @ 3:41 pm Jennifer Lawrence - No Hard Feelings - 4.mp4

from Passengers (2016)
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence standing behind a guy in a space suit as she unties her black dress and drops it to the floor, her breasts just blocked from view behind his shoulder. From Passengers.
Sexy 0:12 - 4.33 MB - 1920x804 px February 28th, 2017 @ 3:04 pm Jennifer Lawrence - Passengers - 1.mp4 -
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence kissing a guy as she undresses in a bedroom, showing her bare back, some side boob, and a bit of her panties before she lays back on the bed with the guy, most of her breasts visible but his arm blocking the view of her nipples. From Passengers.
Sexy 0:19 - 19.60 MB - 1920x804 px February 28th, 2017 @ 3:01 pm Jennifer Lawrence - Passengers - 2.mp4 -
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence leaning in to kiss a guy while naked on a bed, her breast visible with her nipple digitally removed. We then get a wider view of the bed, Jennifer showing her butt and most of her left breast from the side while lying on top of the guy. From Passengers.
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence lying in bed in a black nightie, showing cleavage and perhaps a bit of a nipple as she rolls onto her side to face the camera. From Passengers.
Sexy 0:08 - 6.44 MB - 1920x804 px February 28th, 2017 @ 2:58 pm Jennifer Lawrence - Passengers - 4.mp4

from mother! (2017)
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence in a very see-through nightie, giving us a look at her breasts through the thin fabric as she walks around an empty house, stepping out onto the front porch as we also see some of her butt revealed through the nightie. She then turns and steps back inside before closing the front door. From mother!
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence lying on her back on the floor as a group of people surround her, tugging at her sweater and pulling it open to expose her breasts as she goes topless and the people begin to beat her up by punching and kicking her. From mother! Updated to higher quality

from American Hustle (2013)
American Hustle
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence kneeling on a bed as she pulls her dress over her head to reveal a thin bodysuit underneath that shows off the shape of her breasts as she gets down on all fours and moves toward a guy. From American Hustle.
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American Hustle
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence walking into a bathroom wearing a cleavage-revealing dress with pokey nipples as she leans over a counter and looks at herself in the mirror. We then see her planting a kiss on Amy Adam's lips and leaving her behind stunned. From American Hustle.
Sexy 0:20 - 6.81 MB - 1280x536 px March 1st, 2014 @ 9:43 pm Jennifer Lawrence & Amy Adams - American Hustle.mp4More [+]

from The Bill Engvall Show (2007)
The Bill Engvall Show
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence of Winter's Bone fame showing some nice cleavage in a bikini top as she first checks herself out in a mirror and then talks to a guy who walks into her bedroom. From The Bill Engvall Show.
Sexy 1:22 - 28.47 MB - 1280x720 px March 10th, 2011 @ 9:41 am Jennifer Lawrence - The Bill Engvall Show - S03E01.mp4

from Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Silver Linings Playbook
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence practicing a dance routine with a guy, wearing tight pants and tops including a sports bra. While she is in the sports bra, we see her running in place, causing her breasts to bounce nicely. After she practices her dance with the guy, we see her bare back reflected in a mirror when she removes her shirt. From Silver Linings Playbook.
Sexy 1:20 - 27.66 MB - 1280x534 px September 1st, 2014 @ 2:59 pm Jennifer Lawrence - Silver Linings Playbook - 1.mp4More [+]
Silver Linings Playbook
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence attempting to leap into a guy's arms as they practice a dance move. The first time, she ends up falling over on top of him, showing her butt in tight black pants. We then see her second attempt in which the guy catches her on her side and we see some nice cleavage before she and the guy fall to the floor. From Silver Linings Playbook.
Sexy 0:17 - 5.79 MB - 1280x534 px September 1st, 2014 @ 2:58 pm Jennifer Lawrence - Silver Linings Playbook - 2.mp4More [+]
Silver Linings Playbook
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence doing a sexy dance routine with a guy at a dance contest, Jennifer wearing a sparkly white costume with a bare mid-riff and tight pants that show off her butt. From Silver Linings Playbook.
Sexy 2:57 - 61.60 MB - 1280x534 px September 1st, 2014 @ 2:55 pm Jennifer Lawrence - Silver Linings Playbook - 3.mp4More [+]

from The Graham Norton Show (2007)
The Graham Norton Show
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence wearing a very low-cut dress that shows plenty of cleavage as she sits on a sofa beside a couple guys and talks to a talk show host, often laughing and bending over to accentuate her cleavage. Part 1 of 3, which includes Jennifer doing a silly dance with her arms extended, her breasts bouncing around in the process. From a collection of highlights of an appearance on The Graham Norton Show. NOTE: This is a high frame rate video. If you encounter any playback issues, please contact us.
Sexy 2:46 - 62.27 MB - 1280x720 px May 17th, 2016 @ 7:35 am Jennifer Lawrence - The Graham Norton Show - S19E08 - 1.mp4 -
The Graham Norton Show
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence wearing a very low-cut dress that shows plenty of cleavage as she sits on a sofa beside a couple guys and talks to a talk show host, often laughing and bending over to accentuate her cleavage. Part 2 of 3, which includes plenty of Jennifer laughing. From a collection of highlights of an appearance on The Graham Norton Show. NOTE: This is a high frame rate video. If you encounter any playback issues, please contact us.
Sexy 2:49 - 63.92 MB - 1280x720 px May 17th, 2016 @ 7:34 am Jennifer Lawrence - The Graham Norton Show - S19E08 - 2.mp4 -
The Graham Norton Show
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence wearing a very low-cut dress that shows plenty of cleavage as she sits on a sofa beside a couple guys and talks to a talk show host, often laughing and bending over to accentuate her cleavage. Part 3 of 3, which includes Jennifer laughing so hard at a story that tears come to her eyes. From a collection of highlights of an appearance on The Graham Norton Show. NOTE: This is a high frame rate video. If you encounter any playback issues, please contact us.
Sexy 1:46 - 40.31 MB - 1280x720 px May 17th, 2016 @ 7:32 am Jennifer Lawrence - The Graham Norton Show - S19E08 - 3.mp4

from X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
X-Men: Apocalypse
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence showing some nice cleavage in a short purple dress that is split down the front and laced together, stepping out of a car and then walking through a club. From X-Men: Apocalypse.
Sexy 0:18 - 6.18 MB - 1280x536 px September 10th, 2016 @ 11:35 am Jennifer Lawrence - X-Men Apocalypse.mp4