from Parasite (2019)
Jo Yeo-jeong
Jo Yeo-jeong lying on her side on a sofa with a guy behind her, the guy reaching around to rub her breast through her pajama top. The guy then unbuttons her top and reaches in to play with her nipple some more, giving us a brief flash of nipple. She then reaches back with her hand down the guy's pants and the guy places his other hand between her legs to rub her as she sucks on his thumb. From Parasite (AKA Gisaengchung).

from The Concubine (2012)
The Concubine
Jo Yeo-jeong
Jo Yeo-Jeong sitting naked in a guy's arms by a fire at night, and then turning around to make out with him and lay back, revealing her breasts. From The Concubine (AKA Queen).
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The Concubine
Jo Yeo-jeong
Jo Yeo-Jeong first seen nude in a guy's lap as he has sex with her from behind and reaches around to grab her right breast. She then turns around, riding the guy some more in his lap before he lays her back on a bed and we see her naked from the side as they continue to have sex. From The Concubine.
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The Concubine
Jo Yeo-jeong
Jo Yeo-jeong crawling across the floor as a guy attempts to pull her dress off, succeeding in exposing her bare breasts. from The Concubine.
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The Concubine
Jo Yeo-jeong
Jo Yeo-jeong walking naked toward a bed, showing her bare butt from behind as a guy watches. The guy then joins her in bed and they have sex, first with the guy on top, then with him behind her, and finally with her riding him before she eventually takes out a hair pin and stabs him. From The Concubine.
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from The Servant (2010)
The Servant
Jo Yeo-jeong
Jo Yeo-jeong on her back in a guy's arms as he begins to undress her, first revealing her breasts. She then climbs into his lap partially clothed, her bare breasts in view as she begins to ride him. He then slides her pants down while they continue to have sex. From The Servant.
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The Servant
Jo Yeo-jeong
Jo Yeo-jeong on her back as a guy leans over to kiss her while undressing her, exposing her breasts and butt. They then have sex, Jo riding the guy in his lap as he reaches around to grab her butt and pick her up against a shelf. They then lie down, the guy having sex with Jo from behind while reaching his hand around to squeeze her breasts. From The Servant.
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