from Charlie Valentine (2009)
Charlie Valentine
Katy Walters
Katy Walters topless and in thong panties as she spins around a pole while dancing on a strip club stage along with several unknown women, Eleonora Barna (red bra), Madison Bauer (black leather bra) and Helen Wong (black bikini top walking around the club). Hi-res DVD capture from Charlie Valentine.
0:50 - 13.55 MB - 720x272 px April 10th, 2011 @ 3:48 pm KatyWalters,EleonoraBarna,MadisonBauer,[email protected]
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Charlie Valentine
Katy Walters
Katy Walters pole dancing on a strip club stage in black g-string panties and a black bra along with Eurydice Davis (baby blue panties) and Eleonora Barna (black thong-ish panties and purple bra). Hi-res DVD capture from Charlie Valentine.
Sexy 0:06 - 1.77 MB - 720x272 px April 8th, 2011 @ 5:07 pm KatyWalters,EurydiceDavis&EleonoraBarna@TheHitmenDiariesCharlieValentine-CMA.mpgMore [+]
Charlie Valentine
Katy Walters
Katy Walters topless and in skimpy panties giving us some nice looks at her ass as she pole dances during some behind-the-scenes footage. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Charlie Valentine.
0:08 - 2.18 MB - 704x400 px April 15th, 2011 @ 9:06 pm KatyWalters@TheHitmenDiariesCharlieValentine-SpecialFeatures-1-CMA.mpg
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Charlie Valentine
Katy Walters
Katy Walters standing on a stage in the background doing some extreme leg stretches in a black bra and black panties all during some behind-the-scenes footage. Hi-res DVD capture of the special features from Charlie Valentine.
Sexy 0:07 - 1.72 MB - 704x400 px April 12th, 2011 @ 9:40 pm KatyWalters@TheHitmenDiariesCharlieValentine-SpecialFeatures-2-CMA.mpgMore [+]