from Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016)
Keeping Up with the Joneses
Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot of Wonder Woman fame being grabbed by Isla Fisher and lesbian kissed all while some guys watch in amazement. From Keeping Up with the Joneses.
Sexy 0:06 - 9.93 MB - 1920x800 px March 9th, 2017 @ 8:06 pm Gal Gadot & Isla Fisher - Keeping Up with the Joneses - 2.mp4More [+]
Keeping Up with the Joneses
Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot showing off her body in lingerie as she walks out of a changing room and talks to Isla Fisher, who stands in a bra holding a shirt to her chest to cover up. From Keeping Up with the Joneses.
Sexy 3:45 - 175.56 MB - 1920x800 px January 7th, 2017 @ 8:04 pm Gal Gadot & Isla Fisher - Keeping Up with the Joneses.mp4More [+]

from Asfur (2010)
Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot of Wonder Woman fame standing up from a couch and bending over in a soccer jersey and short jean shorts as a guy checks out her ass before she starts to walk off behind him and removes her shirt to reveal a black bra all while he continues to stare. From Asfur.
Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot in a pool in a black bikini as she swims across and makes out with a guy and then lying on a lounge chair by the pool talking with him for a while before she gets up and leaves and then comes back and can't find him all while still in the bikini top. From the Israeli TV series Asfur.

from Fast Five (2011)

from Fast & Furious (2009)
Fast & Furious
Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot (recently cast as Wonder Woman) wearing a slightly see-through white top with no bra and hard nipples showing a hint of their darkness underneath sometimes as she talks with a guy in a garage. From Fast & Furious.
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from Saturday Night Live (1975)
Saturday Night Live
Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot (left) wearing gold armor as she grabs Kate McKinnon (right) and lesbian kisses her for quite a while all as Aidy Bryant stares gaping and can't believe what she's seeing. From Saturday Night Live.
Sexy 0:24 - 27.16 MB - 1920x1076 px November 4th, 2018 @ 6:54 pm Gal Gadot, Kate McKinnon & Aidy Bryant - Saturday Night Live - S43E02.mp4More [+]