Alexia Rasmussen sorted by most recent
Bloomin Mud Shuffle
Alexia Rasmussen
Alexia Rasmussen topless briefly when she opens up a shower curtain before a guy hands her a towel to dry off. We then get a better view of her breasts as she stands without the towel, preparing to put on a yellow see-through bra while talking to a guy. From Bloomin Mud Shuffle.
0:44 - 28.91 MB - 1920x1080 px February 1st, 2020 @ 12:38 am Alexia Rasmussen - Bloomin Mud Shuffle.mp4
Creative Control
Alexia Rasmussen
Alexia Rasmussen seen partially digitized as an avatar as a guy has sex with her standing up against a window at night. From Creative Control.
Sexy 0:09 - 3.24 MB - 1280x536 px May 1st, 2016 @ 7:34 pm Alexia Rasmussen - Creative Control - 4.mp4More [+]
Creative Control
Alexia Rasmussen
Alexia Rasmusseen seen through an opening in the wall as she and a guy have sex, her legs first visible over the guy's shoulders before she flips over onto all fours and her breasts briefly come into view before she becomes partially blocked by the wall again. From Creative Control.
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Creative Control
Alexia Rasmussen
Alexia Rasmussen seen naked from the side, her back half digitized as an avatar as a guy imagines her climbing into his lap while he sits on a chair and having sex with him. We then see a 100% real Alexia having sex with a different guy, her breasts visible in a closer view as she also rides that guy in his lap. From Creative Control.
0:40 - 13.64 MB - 1280x536 px April 29th, 2016 @ 8:22 pm Alexia Rasmussen - Creative Control - 2.mp4
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Creative Control
Alexia Rasmussen
Alexia Rasmussen walking into a room topless, holding a dress around her waist as she walks behind a guy and past some mirrors before turning in front of him. From Creative Control.
0:45 - 15.71 MB - 1280x536 px April 29th, 2016 @ 8:20 pm Alexia Rasmussen - Creative Control - 3.mp4
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The Comedy
Alexia Rasmussen
Alexia Rasmussen sleeping on her side on a bunk on a boat, her left breast in view as a guy sits across from her and watches. From The Comedy.
Our Idiot Brother
Alexia Rasmussen
Alexia Rasmussen topless as she makes out with a guy on a bed, straddling him and leaning over to kiss him. Another guy then shows up and tries to kiss the first guy, who stops the threesome action before it goes any further. From Our Idiot Brother.
0:42 - 14.68 MB - 1280x720 px November 14th, 2011 @ 11:06 am Alexia Rasmussen - Our Idiot Brother.mp4
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