Julianna Sterling sorted by most recent
Lady Chatterley's Stories
Julianna Sterling
Julianna Sterling showing off her nipple rings while having fully nude sex as Alina Thompson watches and rubs herself from Lady Chatterley's Stories.
3:20 - 32.50 MB - 352x240 px October 9th, 2002 @ 9:07 pm Julianna_Sterling_&_Alina_Leigh01@Lady_Chatterly's_Stories_Passion-LunarScan932.mpg
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Bedtime Stories
Julianna Sterling
Julianna Sterling having her breasts and nipple rings squeezed by a guy and then having him go down on her from Bedtime Stories.
1:31 - 15.91 MB - 352x240 px December 15th, 2001 @ 8:36 pm Julianna_Sterling02@Bedtime_Stories_The_Rival-LunarScan302.mpg
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Bedtime Stories
Julianna Sterling
Julianna Sterling fully nude as she dresses while a woman watches from Bedtime Stories.
0:19 - 3.33 MB - 352x240 px December 15th, 2001 @ 8:27 pm Julianna_Sterling01@Bedtime_Stories_The_Rival-LunarScan301.mpg
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