Sabrina Salerno sorted by most popular
Sabrina Salerno
Sabrina Salerno posing with a couple other girls in sexy adventurer's outfits during a photoshoot, then having a couple guys mad up as zombies reach up and pull her top down to expose her breasts as the photographers continue to snap pictures. From Delirium (AKA Le foto di Gioia).
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Sabrina Salerno
Sabrina Salerno in a bra and high-riding matching panties as she lets a guy out the front door and then walks into a bathroom. There, she pulls the bra off and we see her topless wearing a bee head mask. We then see her without the mask as she runs around trying to escape while being surrounded by a swarm of bees. She then collapses to the floor of the bathroom as a guy in a beekeeper's outfit stands over her. From Delirium.
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Stars 80
Sabrina Salerno
Italian pop star Sabrina Salerno jumping up out of the ocean in a see-through wet white t-shirt, her large breasts bouncing in slow motion with her nipples visible as a guy watches. From Stars 80.
Sabrina Salerno
Sabrina Salerno naked in bed as she sits up beside a guy and we see her bare breasts. The guy then gets out of bed and we get a closer view of Sabrina topless as she talks to him while he looks out a window and then comes over next to her. From Delirium.
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