Bettina Giovannini sorted by most popular
Voices from Beyond
Bettina Giovannini
Bettina Giovannini naked in bed with a guy as they have sex and we see her butt from the side as well as her right breast. The guy then moves out of bed and leaves her behind before we see Bettina sitting naked on the floor having a bad dream. From Voices from Beyond (AKA Voci dal profondo).
1:10 - 24.38 MB - 1280x720 px November 21st, 2013 @ 11:18 pm Bettina Giovannini - Voices from Beyond - 1.mp4
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Voices from Beyond
Bettina Giovannini
Bettina Giovannini lying on her back nude as we get a close-up view of her right breast when a guy slides his hand up her naked body and plays with her nipple with his fingers. He then leans over her for a while, his hand on her breast, before he moves away and we see Bettina sitting up slightly. From Voices from Beyond.
0:33 - 11.61 MB - 1280x720 px November 21st, 2013 @ 11:17 pm Bettina Giovannini - Voices from Beyond - 2.mp4
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Voices from Beyond
Bettina Giovannini
Bettina Giovannini standing naked in a shadowy room in a dream, and then waking up in bed with just a sheet over her waist and her bare breasts in view. From Voices from Beyond.
0:33 - 11.39 MB - 1280x720 px November 23rd, 2013 @ 1:29 pm Bettina Giovannini - Voices from Beyond - 4.mp4
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Voices from Beyond
Bettina Giovannini
Bettina Giovannini lying next to a guy in bed while topless but with her arm blocking the view of her breasts. She then rolls over away from the guy, flashing her breasts in the process. From Voices from Beyond.
0:42 - 14.38 MB - 1280x720 px November 23rd, 2013 @ 1:31 pm Bettina Giovannini - Voices from Beyond - 3.mp4
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