from So glücklich war ich noch nie (2009)
So glücklich war ich noch nie
Floriane Daniel
Floriane Daniel riding a guy as we get just a partial view of her from the side as she is somewhat hidden behind a clothes rack. She then steps into a bathroom to smile at a guy, Floriane wearing just a pink t-shirt with her bush exposed as she is bottomless. From So glücklich war ich noch nie (AKA I've Never Been Happier).
0:32 - 36.67 MB - 1918x1028 px September 4th, 2024 @ 10:27 pm Floriane Daniel - So glucklich war ich noch nie.mp4

from Winter Sleepers (1997)
Winter Sleepers
Floriane Daniel
Floriane Daniel lying in bed in a red bra as she reads a magazine while talking to a guy. The guy then gets into bed with her, straddling Floriane as she unbuttons his shirt. He then leans over to kiss her and takes her bra and pants off, giving us a good look at her large breasts. She then rolls over on top of him, showing her bare butt as well as her right breast pressed against his chest as she has sex with him. From Winter Sleepers (AKA Winterschläfer).
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Winter Sleepers
Floriane Daniel
Floriane Daniel being surprised by two people when she walks into a robe in a red robe that hangs open, showing her bush and some of her left breast before she covers up. She then walks into another room, giving us an even better full-frontal view before she pulls the robe closed and ties it shut this time. From Winter Sleepers.
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Winter Sleepers
Floriane Daniel
Floriane Daniel rolling over in bed, the covers pulled up just under her breasts so that we see her right breast as she turns onto her back. From Winter Sleepers.
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