from Really (2014)
Sophia Bui
Sophia Bui turning away from a guy and pulling her shirt off at the same time. We then see her in a hot tub with the guy, showing most of her butt in pink thong panties as she climbs into the guy's lap while topless. We see her breasts from the other side before she leans over to kiss the guy and is then seen going down on him as he sits on the edge of the tub. From Really.
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from Minx (2022)
Sophia Bui
Sophia Bui and Trishna walking onto the set of a photoshoot, Sophia topless in a skirt and Trishna topless in lederhosen, her breast peeking out at times from behind her suspenders. Sophia and Trishna stand around in a crowd of people on the set as the photographer talks to someone. From Minx.
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