from The New Age (1994)
The New Age
Judy Davis
Judy Davis of The Starter Wife fame lying naked on her stomach with her breasts pressed against a bed as a guy climbs on top of her and starts having sex with her from behind all while showing a bit of her cleavage until finally the scene fades out. From The New Age.
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The New Age
Judy Davis
Judy Davis seen from above lying on her back having sex on a bed with a guy on top of her until she stops paying attention all while he continues having sex. From The New Age.
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The New Age
Judy Davis
Judy Davis having sex with a guy up against the wall in a clothing store fitting room stall before somebody walks into the store only for them to continue having sex for a bit. From The New Age.
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The New Age
Judy Davis
Judy Davis topless with her breasts pressed against a massage table showing her cleavage as she gets a massage and talks with some guys who are also getting massages. From The New Age.
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from Husbands and Wives (1992)
Husbands and Wives
Judy Davis
Judy Davis lying on her back while in bed with a guy, her right breast peeking into view as the guy kisses her. We then get another, similar view as the guy moves down under the sheets and we see more of Judy's breasts. From Husbands and Wives.