from My Family (2025)
My Family
Gaia Weiss
Gaia Weiss showing bare breasts briefly when lying on her side in bed next to a guy. We then see her on top of the guy, leaning over him with her breasts just out of frame as she and the guy have sex. Lastly, she shows some cleavage while leaning on her side in bed and talking to the guy. From My Family (AKA Storia della mia famiglia).
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from Marie Antoinette (2022)
Marie Antoinette
Gaia Weiss
Gaia Weiss taking a bath in a marble tub and talking to a guy, her left nipple appearing above the water at times. From Marie Antoinette, the TV series.
0:31 - 13.74 MB - 1920x960 px November 12th, 2022 @ 8:54 pm Gaia Weiss - Marie Antoinette - S01E03.mp4
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from The Bunker Game (2022)
The Bunker Game
Gaia Weiss
Gaia Weiss taking a shower, first seen from behind bathed in blue light. We then see her bathed in red light as she turns to face the camera, revealing her breasts. From The Bunker Game.
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from We Are Boats (2018)
We Are Boats
Gaia Weiss
Gaia Weiss sitting in a bath tub, her left nipple visible under the water before the camera zooms in slowly toward her head and she reaches for a cigarette. From We Are Boats.

from Vikings (2013)
Gaia Weiss
Gaia Weiss loosening her dress and lowering it off her shoulders as a guy watches, her bare breasts in view. From Vikings.
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Gaia Weiss
Gaia Weiss dropping her dress to the ground as she stands on the stand at a beach, then walking naked into the water and diving in to swim when she gets about waist deep. We see her bare butt as well as her left breast from the side. From Vikings.
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