from House of Lies (2012)
House of Lies
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate of Married fame wearing a green dress as she has hard sex with a guy while bouncing back and forth on top as she rides him until finally he pretends to cum and rolls over. From House of Lies.
Sexy 0:25 - 8.62 MB - 1280x720 px December 17th, 2014 @ 6:52 pm Jenny Slate - House of Lies - S03E05 - 1.mp4More [+]
House of Lies
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate of Saturday Night Live fame showing a lot of cleavage in a low cut black bra style top as she bounces up and down having sex with a guy while riding him before he decides he really likes her and flips her over excitedly and talks with her before they start having sex again with him on top of her. From House of Lies.
Sexy 0:52 - 17.96 MB - 1280x720 px January 22nd, 2015 @ 2:26 pm Jenny Slate - House of Lies - S03E05 - 2.mp4More [+]
House of Lies
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate of Married and Parks and Recreation fame showing cleavage in a blue bra as she stands in a pair of boxer shorts and talks to a guy in a bedroom after waking him up while holding some toys in their boxes. From House of Lies.
Sexy 1:18 - 27.05 MB - 1280x720 px January 23rd, 2015 @ 12:31 pm Jenny Slate - House of Lies - S04E03 - 1.mp4More [+]
House of Lies
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate seen naked from behind as she stands outside a window at night on a front lawn, her bare butt visible as she peeks over a hedge. From House of Lies.
0:17 - 5.79 MB - 1280x720 px January 23rd, 2015 @ 12:30 pm Jenny Slate - House of Lies - S04E03 - 2.mp4
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from My Blind Brother (2016)
My Blind Brother
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate waking up in bed and getting up naked, showing her bare butt as she tries to walk away slowly without waking a guy up. He does wake up though, and she turns around to look at him with her arm crossed over her breasts, pulling on a pair of blue panties with her other hand. From My Blind Brother.
1:28 - 30.38 MB - 1280x536 px September 24th, 2016 @ 12:33 pm Jenny Slate - My Blind Brother - 1.mp4
My Blind Brother
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate showing cleavage in a bra as she makes out with a guy on a sofa, her skirt hiked up and her legs wrapped around him. She and the guy are interrupted when another guy shows up, and Jenny sits up and puts a shirt on over her bra. From My Blind Brother.
Sexy 1:23 - 28.77 MB - 1280x536 px September 24th, 2016 @ 12:31 pm Jenny Slate - My Blind Brother - 2.mp4

from The Sunlit Night (2019)
The Sunlit Night
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate making out with a guy and laying down with him under a plastic sheeting, taking her sweater off to reveal her breasts as she kisses the guy while on top of him. We then see her topless again under the sheet briefly as she and the guy are awoken by some other guys. Jenny then stands up while putting on her sweater, showing her panties again. From The Sunlit Night.
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The Sunlit Night
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate undressing on a beach, giving a good look at her butt and left breast as she takes her sweater and panties off. She then pauses briefly before running into the water, turning around for another topless view from a distance when she is standing in the water. From The Sunlit Night.
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from Married (2014)
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate untying her pink robe and dropping it to the floor as she stands beside a bed while naked. A guy looks on and we see her full body from behind through a sliding glass door, her bare butt on display. From Married.
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate walking into a bedroom as she finishes fastening her bra behind her back. She then shows some nice cleavage while talking to a guy and looking for a shirt. From Married.

from Obvious Child (2014)
Obvious Child
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate in a beige bra and black panties as she dances wildly around a room with a guy sometimes in nothing but the bra and panties and sometimes with an unbuttoned blue dress shirt on all while they drink and laugh. From Obvious Child.
Sexy 1:01 - 33.84 MB - 1280x542 px February 24th, 2016 @ 3:57 pm Jenny Slate - Obvious Child - 1.mp4 -
Obvious Child
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate bending over in a beige bra and black panties while she collects some clothes quietly as a guy sleeps before she pauses briefly to look at a photo and then leaves. From Obvious Child.
Obvious Child
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate sitting and fantasizing about an idealized version of her with a guy and a worse version where they try and find a condom to use to have sex while playing around on a bed as she's in a beige bra and black panties. From Obvious Child.
Obvious Child
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate in a fitting room wearing a beige bra as she checks out her body in a mirror and then tries on a shirt before taking it off and then touching her breasts all while she talks with Gaby Hoffmann who is in the room next to her and also wearing a beige bra. From Obvious Child.
Sexy 0:50 - 17.38 MB - 1280x542 px February 22nd, 2016 @ 1:36 pm Jenny Slate & Gaby Hoffmann - Obvious Child.mp4