from Deep in the Valley (2009)
Deep in the Valley
Kate Albrecht
Kate Albrecht bending over in short jean shorts to turn some music on and then dancing around a room before pulling her white top open to show her cleavage in a bikini top just as she notices a guy spying on her from under some stuffed animals. At the same time Rachel Specter is seen dancing a bit and spinning around causing her white skirt to flair up revealing her ass in some skimpy panties. From Deep in the Valley.
Sexy 0:47 - 16.44 MB - 1280x544 px October 1st, 2016 @ 4:23 pm Kate Albrecht & Rachel Specter - Deep in the Valley.mp4More [+]

from Entourage (2004)
Kate Albrecht
Kate Albrecht in an amusement park wearing an orange top with hard nipples as she claps for a guy and then standing around as Debi Mazar and some guys talk. From Entourage.
Sexy 0:29 - 11.63 MB - 1280x720 px July 3rd, 2015 @ 5:29 pm Kate Albrecht & Debi Mazar - Entourage - S03E03.mp4More [+]