Oja Kodar in The Other Side of the Wind
The Other Side of the Wind
Oja Kodar
Oja Kodar sitting in the front of a car in between two guys as she opens up her dress to reveal her breasts to the guy on her right and then starts teasing him until she climbs into his lap and has sex while riding him as they continue driving down the road at night with lights flashing until finally the guy driving is overcome with jealousy and pulls over to the side of the road and starts grabbing her as she fights him off and then has him throw her out of the car all in a psychedelic scene. From The Other Side of the Wind.
2:52 - 189.48 MB - 1920x1038 px November 17th, 2018 @ 5:44 pm Oja Kodar - The Other Side of the Wind - 1.mp4
The Other Side of the Wind
Oja Kodar
Oja Kodar seen in a very long nude scene as she wakes up in a barn, climbs out the window, then wanders around an abandoned city until she finds a guy sleeping, wakes him up, and then runs around being chased by him, until finally she confronts him and teases him a bit, all as a group of people in a theater, the projectionists, and the director watch her on a screen. From The Other Side of the Wind.
2:47 - 200.26 MB - 1920x1038 px November 17th, 2018 @ 5:41 pm Oja Kodar - The Other Side of the Wind - 2.mp4
The Other Side of the Wind
Oja Kodar
Oja Kodar walking up to a guy while fully nude and then straddling him on a bed box spring that's up in the air as she pins him down and then threatens to cut his hair with some scissors all as a director gives directions off screen. From The Other Side of the Wind.
1:20 - 101.82 MB - 1920x1038 px November 21st, 2018 @ 8:19 pm Oja Kodar - The Other Side of the Wind - 3.mp4
The Other Side of the Wind
Oja Kodar
Oja Kodar fully nude as she wanders around a barren wasteland eventually stopping by a bridge as it collapses and then watching a giant inflatable penis deflate until finally she uses some scissors to tear at a fence all while some people watch her in a drive in movie theater. From The Other Side of the Wind.
2:47 - 201.38 MB - 1920x1038 px November 21st, 2018 @ 8:17 pm Oja Kodar - The Other Side of the Wind - 4.mp4
The Other Side of the Wind
Oja Kodar
Oja Kodar in a public restroom wearing a completely see-through white dress that is drenched with water as she starts drying herself and then rips it off to reveal her fully nude body as she tosses it to Teresa Nersesyan and then proceeds to dry herself some more with paper towels giving us closer looks at her breasts and bush until finally she puts on a coat all as Teresa enjoys herself watching Oja while Oja teases her. From The Other Side of the Wind.
0:50 - 54.89 MB - 1920x1038 px November 15th, 2018 @ 8:22 pm Oja Kodar & Teresa Nersesyan - The Other Side of the Wind.mp4

Unknown in The Other Side of the Wind
The Other Side of the Wind
Several unknown women sitting around naked giving us close ups of their breasts as they laugh and giggle until one of them reveals she's wearing a strap-on dildo and they take a look and laugh some more all as Oja Kodar sits watching them while holding a phone as they film a scene for a movie. From The Other Side of the Wind.
0:22 - 26.76 MB - 1920x1038 px November 15th, 2018 @ 8:19 pm Unknown & Oja Kodar - The Other Side of the Wind.mp4
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