Fauda sorted by most popular
Marina Maximilian Blumin
Marina Maximilian Blumin making out with a guy by a table before we see her laying back on a bed in a bra, showing cleavage as the guy joins her and they kiss some more. Her bra then comes off and we get a brief view of her breasts as she leans over the guy topless while having sex. From Fauda.
0:54 - 46.66 MB - 1920x1080 px April 17th, 2020 @ 12:58 pm Marina Maximilian Blumin - Fauda - S03E06.mp4
Laëtitia Eïdo
Laëtitia Eïdo topless in a sex scene with a guy, first kissing him in his lap and then on her back for a while with her breasts in view. She then ends up in his lap once more. From Fauda.
Laëtitia Eïdo
Laëtitia Eïdo showing her right breast when lying on her side in bed with a guy, putting her arm around him as she kisses him. From Fauda.