Eulàlia Ramon in El rey pasmado
El rey pasmado
Eulàlia Ramon
Eulàlia Ramon lying on her back holding on to the rails of a headboard behind her with her breasts in view as she and a guy have sex, her breasts bouncing. After a while, the guy moves away and she sits up, starting to pull on a gown. From El rey pasmado (AKA The Dumbfounded King).

Laura del Sol in El rey pasmado
El rey pasmado
Laura del Sol
Laura del Sol seen from behind as she lies naked on her side on a bed with red stockings on up to her thighs while a couple guys talk next to the bed. From El rey pasmado (AKA The Dumbfounded King).
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El rey pasmado
Laura del Sol
Laura del Sol sitting in a tub taking a bath, her bare shoulders visible over the edge . She then partially wraps up in a blanket as she stands up, her bush visible before she wraps up. She then steps behind a grate and drops the blanket, revealing her butt from the side. From El rey pasmado.
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