Helena Bonham Carter in Fight Club
Fight Club
Helena Bonham Carter
Helena Bonham Carter standing in front of a mirror topless with her shirt pulled open so that a guy who stands behind her can touch the side of her breast that she holds in her hand while asking him to check for a lump, her breasts reflected in the mirror glass. From a rare open matte presentation of Fight Club, the nudity only visible in certain open matte versions that are framed lower than others.
0:07 - 1.45 MB - 1024x576 px January 1st, 2021 @ 9:38 am Helena Bonham Carter - Fight Club - Open Matte.mp4
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Laura Grady in Fight Club
Fight Club
Laura Grady
Laura Grady naked as the body double for Helena Bonham Carter in a stylized sex scene in which we see breasts and butt from at least Laura and possibly also Helena. From Fight Club.
0:17 - 12.44 MB - 1920x800 px January 1st, 2021 @ 9:36 am Laura Grady & Helena Bonham Carter - Fight Club.mp4
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