Pane e burlesque sorted by most popular
Pane e burlesque
Lodovica Mairè Rogati
Lodovica Mairè Rogati (credited as Lodovica Mariè Rogati) climbing wet out of a pool in a blue bikini and then standing up and removing her bikini top to reveal her breasts before she throws her bikini top at Sabrina Impacciatore causing Sabrina to drop it on the ground and storm off before Lodovica rushes still topless over to Giulia Lapertosa (yellow bikini top) and Anna Terio (strapless black top and yellow bikini bottoms) and then huddles with them laughing. From Pane e burlesque.
0:23 - 25.94 MB - 1918x818 px July 11th, 2021 @ 3:38 pm Lodovica Maire Rogati, Giulia Lapertosa, Anna Terio & Sabrina Impacciatore - Pane e burlesque - 2.mp4
Pane e burlesque
Sabrina Impacciatore
Sabrina Impacciatore wearing a sheer see-through black bra with black circles over her nipples and black lingerie with skimpy black panties that show off her ass as she dances for some guys during a burlesque show before it cuts to her on stage in a different outfit wearing see-through black panties as she pulls her stockings up. From Pane e burlesque.
Sexy 0:24 - 17.05 MB - 1918x818 px July 23rd, 2021 @ 1:14 pm Sabrina Impacciatore - Pane e burlesque - 1.mp4More [+]
Pane e burlesque
Giovanna Rei
Giovanna Rei (left), Laura Chiatti (center) and Michela Andreozzi (right) all walking out onto a stage in black lingerie with Laura wearing a sheer black bra that shows her nipples with pasties on underneath it and Michela wearing a black bustier with her nipples with pasties on popping out over the top before they begin stripping eventually removing their bras while facing away from the crowd and then turning with their hands over their breasts and then finally pulling their hands away exposing all of their breasts still with pasties on their nipples all while a guy in the crowd films their burlesque performance with his cell phone camera. From Pane e burlesque.
Sexy 0:49 - 22.99 MB - 1918x818 px July 26th, 2021 @ 12:23 pm Giovanna Rei, Laura Chiatti & Michela Andreozzi - Pane e burlesque.mp4 -
Pane e burlesque
Giovanna Rei
Giovanna Rei (center right) and Michela Andreozzi (center left) topless with pasties over their nipples as they spin some white lace umbrellas on a stage while Laura Chiatti (left) and Sabrina Impacciatore (right) show their asses in panties on either side of them before Giovanna and Michela hold up their bras and then drop them and then lift up their umbrellas exposing their breasts to the cheering crowd still with gold pasties over their nipples. From Pane e burlesque.
Sexy 0:10 - 11.42 MB - 1918x818 px July 26th, 2021 @ 12:26 pm Laura Chiatti, Giovanna Rei, Sabrina Impacciatore & Michela Andreozzi - Pane e burlesque - 3.mp4 -
Pane e burlesque
Laura Chiatti
Laura Chiatti (left) showing her ass in white thong panties along with Sabrina Impacciatore (right) pulling her dress up to show her own ass in white panties as they perform on stage during a burlesque show along with both Giovanna Rei (back right) and Michela Andreozzi (back left) who are twirling lace umbrellas. From Pane e burlesque.
Sexy 0:17 - 18.26 MB - 1918x818 px July 23rd, 2021 @ 1:08 pm Laura Chiatti, Giovanna Rei, Sabrina Impacciatore & Michela Andreozzi - Pane e burlesque - 2.mp4More [+]
Pane e burlesque
Laura Chiatti
Laura Chiatti on stage performing while wearing a very short blue sailor style dress with her ass hanging out of the bottom in red thong panties as her high heel shoe falls off and then she tries to put it back on while continuing to dance all as Giovanna Rei (center, white bustier) Sabrina Impacciatore (front left) and Michela Andreozzi (back left) dance with her. From Pane e burlesque.
Sexy 0:10 - 10.10 MB - 1918x818 px July 23rd, 2021 @ 1:05 pm Laura Chiatti, Giovanna Rei, Sabrina Impacciatore & Michela Andreozzi - Pane e burlesque - 1.mp4More [+]
Pane e burlesque
Sabrina Impacciatore
Sabrina Impacciatore seen on a TV screen dancing in black thong panties underneath a black coat with a slit in the back that shows her ass as it sways around. From Pane e burlesque.
Sexy 0:04 - 3.77 MB - 1918x818 px July 26th, 2021 @ 12:18 pm Sabrina Impacciatore - Pane e burlesque - 2.mp4More [+]
Pane e burlesque
Laura Chiatti
Laura Chiatti performing on television while wearing white panties with a garter and stockings along with a white bustier as she touches her breasts a bit and then has Sabrina Impacciatore start stripping her by removing her gloves and then undoing her top before she opens it up revealing some lingerie underneath with the pasties over her nipples popping out of the top. From Pane e burlesque.
Sexy 0:12 - 14.00 MB - 1918x818 px July 26th, 2021 @ 12:20 pm Laura Chiatti & Sabrina Impacciatore - Pane e burlesque.mp4More [+]
Pane e burlesque
Giovanna Rei
Giovanna Rei wearing a black bra and black thong panties as she runs down a beach and into the water where she starts splashing around as Laura Chiatti strips her black dress off and joins Giovanna in her bra and panties as well all while Sabrina Impacciatore (black dress) and Michela Andreozzi (red coat) follow and watch. From Pane e burlesque.
Sexy 0:17 - 14.17 MB - 1918x818 px July 23rd, 2021 @ 1:10 pm Laura Chiatti, Giovanna Rei, Sabrina Impacciatore & Michela Andreozzi - Pane e burlesque - 4.mp4 -
Pane e burlesque
Giulia Lapertosa
Giulia Lapertosa showing off some nice cleavage and her body in a yellow bikini as she dances with Anna Terio (strapless black top and yellow bikini bottoms) on a pool deck all while Lodovica Mairè Rogati (credited as Lodovica Mariè Rogati) floats in the water in a blue bikini watching before Sabrina Impacciatore walks up and interrupts them and then talks with them all for a while all as we still see Giulia's cleavage now with a wrap around her waist and as a guy spies on them over the fence with binoculars and takes pictures of them. From Pane e burlesque.
Sexy 1:53 - 141.09 MB - 1918x818 px July 11th, 2021 @ 3:37 pm Lodovica Maire Rogati, Giulia Lapertosa, Anna Terio & Sabrina Impacciatore - Pane e burlesque - 1.mp4