Paz Vega in Talk to Her
Talk to Her
Paz Vega
Sex and Lucia star Paz Vega lying asleep in this dream sequence as a little man pulls her clothes off to reveal her great breasts and nude body. From Talk to Her (AKA Hable con ella).
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Talk to Her
Paz Vega
Sex and Lucia star Paz Vega lying asleep in this dream sequence as a little man pulls her clothes off to reveal her great breasts and nude body. Hi-res DVD capture from Talk to Her.
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Leonor Watling in Talk to Her
Talk to Her
Leonor Watling
A few topless sequences of Spanish actress Leonor Watling first receiving a sponge bath in bed, and then laying topless as she opens her eyes, and finally a shot of her breasts as her robe is removed. From Talk to Her (AKA Hable con ella).
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Talk to Her
Leonor Watling
Leonor Watling stepping into a hallway while still pulling on an orange bath robe, her bare breasts in view before she covers up. From Talk to Her.
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Talk to Her
Leonor Watling
Leonor Watling lying topless and asleep as a nurse rubs her sides and her stomach. From Talk to Her.
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Talk to Her
Leonor Watling
Leonor Watling sleeping topless on her side as a guy looks on, and then also topless while laying on her back as some nurses turn her over. From Talk to Her.
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Talk to Her
Leonor Watling
A few topless sequences of Spanish actress Leonor Watling first receiving a sponge bath in bed, and then laying topless as she opens her eyes, and finally a shot of her breasts as her robe is removed. Hi-res DVD capture from Talk to Her.
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Talk to Her
Leonor Watling
Leonor Watling lying topless and asleep as a nurse rubs her sides and her stomach. Hi-res DVD capture from Talk to Her.
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Talk to Her
Leonor Watling
Leonor Watling sleeping topless on her side as a guy looks on, and then also topless while laying on her back as some nurses turn her over. Hi-res DVD capture from Talk to Her.
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Elena Anaya in Talk to Her
Talk to Her
Elena Anaya
A quick clip of Sex and Lucia star Elena Anaya running completely nude out of a tent, showing breasts, buns and bush at night. From Talk to Her (AKA Hable con ella).
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Talk to Her
Elena Anaya
A quick clip of Sex and Lucia star Elena Anaya running completely nude out of a tent. Hi-res DVD capture from Talk to Her.
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