Moonlight Butterfly sorted by filename
Moonlight Butterfly
Christine Bermas
Christine Bermas passionately making out with a guy as they work their way across a room and then having him pull down her strapless red dress and panties revealing her breasts and going down on her while she stands holding on to the back of his head before she returns the favor by kneeling and going down on him until they have sex at first while kissing each other's body and having him kiss her breasts and nipple and then having sex with her standing up bent over the back of a couch with him behind her. From Moonlight Butterfly.
3:27 - 82.83 MB - 1920x1080 px March 21st, 2022 @ 7:36 pm Christine Bermas - Moonlight Butterfly - 1.mp4
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Moonlight Butterfly
Christine Bermas
Christine Bermas giving us a long look at her breasts as she sits on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed while a guy goes down on her giving us looks at her naked body from the front and the side as well as reflected in a TV screen all while some guys carry on a phone conversation heard over the scene. From Moonlight Butterfly.
0:42 - 17.45 MB - 1920x1080 px March 21st, 2022 @ 7:31 pm Christine Bermas - Moonlight Butterfly - 2.mp4
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Moonlight Butterfly
Christine Bermas
Christine Bermas standing in a living room as a guy pulls down her orange dress to expose her breasts and then takes his pants off and pulls her dress down the rest of the way showing her ass in skimpy grey panties while he kisses around her stomach and body before it cuts to them having sex on a bed while she rides him showing her ass from behind and her breasts from the front all as he reaches up grabbing her breast a bit. From Moonlight Butterfly.
1:01 - 42.00 MB - 1920x1080 px March 21st, 2022 @ 7:33 pm Christine Bermas - Moonlight Butterfly - 3.mp4
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Moonlight Butterfly
Hershie de Leon
Hershie de Leon walking out of a bathroom as a guy grabs her and rips her white towel off and starts kissing her naked and then a second guy taking her away from him and kissing her as well before the first guy takes her back and then the second guy starts kissing around her body at the same time. Hershie then pushes the second guy off of her and has him hit her in return only for the first guy to push him away and then go back to kissing her as she stands there fully nude. Finally, the second guy starts to get aggressive with her again and she hits him over the head with a glass bottle causing the first guy to throw her down onto a bed and attack her. From Moonlight Butterfly.
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Moonlight Butterfly
Hershie de Leon
Hershie de Leon pole dancing on stage in a red bikini while guys in the crowd check her out all as Christine Bermas and Tabs Sumulong talk with her. From Moonlight Butterfly.
Sexy 0:59 - 59.78 MB - 1920x1080 px March 25th, 2022 @ 1:05 pm Hershie de Leon, Christine Bermas & Tabs Sumulong - Moonlight Butterfly.mp4More [+]