Andrea Petrik in Bet on Revenge
Bet on Revenge
Andrea Petrik
Andrea Petrik standing up making out with a guy as they remove her coat and corset to reveal her breasts and then having sex naked on her back continuing to show her breasts as they kiss before we see her lying naked on her stomach as he kisses down her back and ass and then finally having sex again giving us more looks at her breasts. From Bet on Revenge (AKA Kincsem).

Fantoly Nikolett in Bet on Revenge
Bet on Revenge
Fantoly Nikolett
Fantoly Nikolett at first seen from behind as she stands in front of a guy in bed and undoes her dress and drops it to the floor exposing her ass and her left breast from the side before she stands there letting him examine her giving us a close up look at her breasts as the camera slowly pans down the front of her body to reveal some writing on her stomach. From Bet on Revenge (AKA Kincsem).

Andrea Menczel in Bet on Revenge
Bet on Revenge
Andrea Menczel
Andrea Menczel sleeping naked in bed as a guy stands up pulling the covers with him revealing her ass before he looks back checking her out while he puts his pants on. From Bet on Revenge (AKA Kincsem).