Beth Bates in The Attic Expeditions
The Attic Expeditions
Beth Bates
Beth Bates fully nude as she wields a knife and chases after a guy in an attempt to stab him. We then see her crawling around naked and lying on the floor on her side, giving us a look between her legs. Hi-res DVD capture from The Attic Expeditions.
The Attic Expeditions
Beth Bates
Beth Bates playing dead as she lies naked on her side and we see her bare buns. Hi-res DVD capture from The Attic Expeditions.
The Attic Expeditions
Beth Bates
Beth Bates shown fully nude while having sex with a guy, the camera spinning around them as they change positions. Hi-res DVD capture from The Attic Expeditions.
The Attic Expeditions
Beth Bates
Beth Bates seen naked as she sits in front of a guy with her knees up to her chest and the camera circles around them while they talk. Hi-res DVD capture from The Attic Expeditions.

Shannon Hart Cleary in The Attic Expeditions
The Attic Expeditions
Shannon Hart Cleary
Shannon Hart Cleary shown in a mirror as she drops her dress to go completely nude, and then showing breasts as she has vigorous sex with a guy in bed. Hi-res DVD capture from The Attic Expeditions.