Luz María Jerez in Sólo con tu pareja
Sólo con tu pareja
Luz María Jerez
Luz María Jerez naked underneath a guy in a darkly-lit sex scene. We can see some breasts, but it's hard to tell if she is wearing nipple tape. Hi-res DVD capture from Sólo con tu pareja (AKA Love in the Time of Hysteria).

Dobrina Liubomirova in Sólo con tu pareja
Sólo con tu pareja
Dobrina Liubomirova
Dobrina Liubomirova lying in bed with a guy, her left nipple making a brief apperance as the covers move. We then see her naked from the back as she rides the guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Sólo con tu pareja.

Claudia Ramírez in Sólo con tu pareja
Sólo con tu pareja
Claudia Ramírez
Claudia Ramírez lying naked on her side in bed while asleep, her arm covering her breasts, which we get a partial view of when she wakes up. Hi-res DVD capture from Sólo con tu pareja.

Unknown in Sólo con tu pareja
Sólo con tu pareja
An unknown girl showing her breasts as she has energetic sex with a guy on a bed as another guy crawls beside them and snatches a set of keys off the bed-side table. Hi-res DVD capture from Sólo con tu pareja.
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