Lisa Foster in Fanny Hill
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster (credited as Lisa Raines) walking out from behind a divider fully nude and then getting into a bathtub and letting Susie Silvey and Vicki Scott wash her before Maria Harper wraps a towel around her while they talk to Lorraine Doyle. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
0:58 - 13.96 MB - 624x480 px August 3rd, 2007 @ 3:42 pm LisaFoster,MariaHarper,SusieSilvey,[email protected]
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster (AKA Lisa Raines) struggling with a guy in a chair and giving us a look up her dress at her white tights and then having her top tugged on several times quickly until it rips revealing her left breast and nipple. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster (credited as Lisa Raines) removing her pink nightgown to reveal her fully nude body and climbing into bed with a guy and then making out with him before she has sex with him on her back for a while and then finally finishes and lies there talking with him for a bit giving us a long look at her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster lying in bed topless as she runs her hand over a guy's chest and her fingers over his nipples while watching him sleep. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster lying on top of a guy kissing him on a bed while nude and then bouncing up and down while riding him on a bed as they have sex and she stares into the camera during a long point of view sequence. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster lying on her stomach bent over a pillow as she has brief but energetic sex from behind. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster giving us a look at her breasts bouncing up and down while she rides a guy like a horse and whips his butt with a riding crop. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster wearing a white skirt and brown shirt as she lies on some hay in a barn loft having sex with a guy as he thrusts into her all while another guy watches from below. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster lying on her back having sex with a guy in a bed before they get interrupted and the guy rolls off of her giving us a brief look at her left breast all as she narrates over the scene. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster getting out of bed nude and walking across a room and looking out a window giving us some good looks at her right breasts from the side and the top of her ass. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster (credited as Lisa Raines) running down some stairs fully nude causing her breasts to bounce around and jiggle and then opening a door and hugging and kissing a guy before he picks her up and carries her back towards the stairs all as another guy watches. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster lying on a bed nude with a guy as she kisses him while the camera moves around the bed. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster climbing into a bed fully nude and pulling the sheets up as she talks with Maria Harper. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster lying on a bed nude as Maria Harper removes her nightgown to reveal her breasts and then lays down with Lisa and begins lesbian kissing her and running her hand over her breasts and body before talking with her briefly and then lesbian kissing her some more. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster removing her nightgown and walking over to a guy on a bed fully nude and climbing on top of him and kissing him giving us some looks from a distance in between her legs all as an unknown woman watches them through a keyhole. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.

Maria Harper in Fanny Hill
Fanny Hill
Maria Harper
Maria Harper topless and in an orange skirt as she plays a game similar to strip-musical chairs with a candle stick as an unknown woman removes her clothes to reveal her fully nude body and then a guy takes a turn and the women climb on him to help pull his clothes off all as Lisa Foster, Shelley Winters and some others watch. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Maria Harper
Maria Foster bending down in a low cut white nightgown and having her right nipple hang out of her dress for a bit as she has Lisa Foster (credited as Lisa Raines) get down on the ground with her while they watch an unknown woman with large breasts lie on a bed fully nude and have a guy run his hands over her body and kiss her. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.

Vicki Scott in Fanny Hill
Fanny Hill
Vicki Scott
Vicki Scott (left) and an unknown woman (right) both nude as they pour lotion on a guy and rub it all over his chest and stomach while giggling as Lisa Foster (credited as Lisa Raines) and Maria Harper watch. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
Fanny Hill
Vicki Scott
Vicki Scott seen rubbing a guy's stomach and then lying on her back having sex along with several other unknown women in various states of undress all as Lisa Foster and Maria Harper watch during a montage. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.

Susie Silvey in Fanny Hill
Fanny Hill
Susie Silvey
Susie Silvey dancing around a room topless and in a pink skirt with her breasts bouncing around as Vicki Scott sticks her large breasts in a guy's face and then lies on a couch with him all as some other people dance in various states of undress and Lorraine Doyle and Paddie O'Neil watch. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
0:54 - 16.67 MB - 624x480 px July 30th, 2007 @ 1:59 pm SusieSilvey,VickiScott,LorraineDoyle,[email protected]

Unknown in Fanny Hill
Fanny Hill
An unknown woman in an opened robe that shows off her nude body as she guides a blindfolded guy around a stage and lets him run his hands over her breasts while she puts a collar on his neck and pulls a bit all as Lisa Foster, Maria Harper, Lorraine Doyle, Shelley Winters and some guys watch. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
0:29 - 9.05 MB - 624x480 px July 22nd, 2007 @ 5:25 pm Unknown,LisaFoster,MariaHarper,[email protected]
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Fanny Hill
An unknown woman having her necklace ripped off by a guy and then bending over and having the top of her dress fall off to reveal her breasts completely before she sits on his lap on the ground and then finally stands up fully nude and lies on her side on a bench all as Lisa Foster, Maria Harper, Lorraine Doyle, Shelley Winters and some guys watch. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
1:04 - 15.32 MB - 624x480 px July 23rd, 2007 @ 4:20 pm Unknown,LisaFoster,MariaHarper,[email protected]
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Fanny Hill
An unknown woman dancing on a stage and spinning around in circles with her breasts sticking out of her top and then getting on top of a guy and leaning backwards all as Lisa Foster (AKA Lisa Raines), Maria Harper, Lorraine Doyle and Shelley Winters watch. Hi-res DVD capture from Fanny Hill.
0:21 - 6.46 MB - 624x480 px July 18th, 2007 @ 11:46 pm Unknown,LisaFoster,MariaHarper,[email protected]
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