2006 ยท Movie
The Ex
Fast Track
Married Sofia Kowalski and Tom Reilly are a high powered environmental lawyer and a chef respectively in New York City, although being a chef is only college-educated but unfocused Tom's latest job in he usually getting fired in standing up for himself and others to unfair bosses or job situations. Despite the inequality in their paychecks, they've decided that Sofia will become a stay-at-home mom when their yet unborn son arrives, making Tom the sole household breadwinner. But when Tom gets fired yet again on the day that Sofia gives birth to son Oliver, Tom believes he has to do the inevitable and take Sofia's father Bob Kowalski's open offer to work at an advertising firm in Sofia's Ohio hometown, the firm at which Bob is a senior manager, with Tom being in an entry-level position in the creative department. Bob has assigned Chip Sanders to be Tom's mentor, Chip who is one of Sofia's high school friends and who Bob treats like the son he never had. Tom not only has to get used to the "touchy-feely" M.O. of the company under the direction of its new president Don Wollebin, but also working under wheelchair-bound Chip, who has been been in a wheelchair since he was a child and who seems quietly to dislike Tom. As Chip subversively tries to ruin Tom in every aspect of his life, Tom begins to believe that Chip's end goal is Sofia when he learns that Sofia and Chip dated and had sex with each other in high school. Tom, who hates almost everything about their new life except Sofia and Oliver, has to convince Bob, but especially Sofia about how horrible a person Chip really is, he who everyone else seems to love and admire. Meanwhile, Sofia too is miserable in Ohio hanging out with the other mommies, especially former classmate, Abby March, although she keeps these feelings to herself in dealing with Tom seemingly going off the rails more so than usual.